radiaSRT/srt/73 K Venugopal Jun 16 2009 20 05 15.srt
2011-12-22 18:04:02 +05:30

279 lines
13 KiB

00:00:13,075 --> 00:00:14,076
(Phone rings)
00:00:14,076 --> 00:00:17,326
NR: Sorry, the network's really bad, <i>haan</i>.
MKV: (Laughs)
00:00:17,326 --> 00:00:19,326
NR: Airtel -
MKV: Whose network, I don't know.
00:00:19,326 --> 00:00:24,649
NR: I'm on Airtel's network, so maybe poor thing does not have spectrum.
00:00:24,649 --> 00:00:28,108
MKV: Uh, I'm also on Airtel so there's no third party involved but it's still bad.
00:00:28,108 --> 00:00:34,400
NR: Isn't it just? Yeah...I think he's really struggling, he's really struggling with his uh, issues on spectrum.
00:00:34,400 --> 00:00:38,120
MKV: Hmm, 'coz they're adding three million every month -
00:00:38,120 --> 00:00:41,082
NR: Yeah, but you know, you often wonder about this three million?
00:00:41,082 --> 00:00:51,691
MKV: Yeah, yeah yeah. Like that is something that we need to work on. (Inaudible) average (inaudible) are no longer valid.
00:00:51,691 --> 00:00:59,922
MKV: You look at uh, actual minutes used, is it going up or down, and cost per minute.
00:00:59,922 --> 00:01:27,951
NR: Mmhmm.
MKV: See, (inaudible) are...because the denominator has increased so - has been bloated so much, it gives you a wrong picture, as if anyone is being served with a 100, the average is Rs. 100 on CDMA and Rs. 200 a month on GSM. Which means so many people pay less than a 100 rupees a month for a functional phone. That's probably not what it is.
00:01:27,951 --> 00:01:49,973
NR: Mmhmm, mmhmm. You know, I really think that if you look at the - I mean, I can only go by RCom's revenues and Anil's - uh, Anil Saldana, TTSL. And I just think that they have bloated subscriber numbers, but seriously, their revenue figures are dropping by the day.
MKV: Hmm.
00:01:49,973 --> 00:01:53,223
NR: You see -
MKV: That's because they don't have the numbers!
00:01:53,223 --> 00:02:00,503
NR: Correct.
MKV: They don't have the numbers. They're simply claiming additionality where there is none.
00:02:00,503 --> 00:02:16,927
NR: That's right. If you see for example in Gujarat, there is a whole scam- it was unearthed by credit card - maybe you want to ask a journalist to look at that, it was unearthed by a credit card fraud that was taking place and the crime branch was investigating a credit card.
00:02:16,927 --> 00:02:41,582
NR: What had happened was when they were trying to get more spectrum from 4.4 to 6.2, they had given CAS forms to every possible shop and vendor across the state. To say that when people came to you with a credit card transaction, you can just swipe this on the CAS form. So that gives you one, uh, the uh address and proof and evidence that you require for a CAS form, a credit card is as good as anything.
00:02:41,582 --> 00:03:00,529
NR: And suddenly there was a buildup of about a 100 crores on various credit cards. So they unearthed this scam, the cops, on a lead from something else completely differently and went to Narendra Modi or went to the Home Secretary and they wanted to prosecute. Well, first they went to the Commissioner and then they went to the Home Sec - I mean, the matter got to the Home Secretary.
00:03:00,529 --> 00:03:11,222
NR: I am told just before the election results were to be announced on the 15th, Narendra Modi had stepped in and told the Home Secretary- do not do anything with this because we may need ST support to form the government.
00:03:11,222 --> 00:03:32,723
MKV: Hmm.
NR: Now that thing is still pending. Nothing has happened. Jammu, you've seen 36,000 (inaudible), I mean, Rajasthan, same thing. You know, you've almost got about 50-60,000 uh subscribers that are being written off. I don't know, I'm sure that their subscriber numbers are not more than 45-50 million.
00:03:32,723 --> 00:03:39,456
MKV: They've added two-point-some-million, last month.
NR: Yeah, they're adding every month - 2.4, 2.2 -
00:03:39,456 --> 00:03:44,606
MKV: You can write any number, I think.
NR: Yeah, I think they can write any number and nobody's going to verify.
00:03:44,606 --> 00:04:05,532
NR: And there's another argument I had with Raja. I said, "Your VTMs, these vigilance guys you've got across states, it's the easiest thing to pass them." They are the ones who are supposed to verify these numbers, and Raja's argument is I don't want to um, you know, approve an audit for subscriber numbers because in my tenure it must seem like we've crossed 500 million.
00:04:05,532 --> 00:04:13,142
MKV: Hmm, so he is -
NR: - He's party to it. He's party to it.
00:04:13,142 --> 00:04:35,305
NR: So you're in that - I mean, seriously I mean, I told both my clients. I told Mr. Tata this yesterday and I was telling Mukesh when this whole judgment thing happened yesterday. I said, with due respect to you, I mean, brothers' MoUs cannot be the basis of deciding natural resources. And he said, yeah I agree, I never said 2.34, he's the one who's gone to court.
00:04:35,305 --> 00:04:47,321
MKV: Hmm. But can they not stop this thing?
NR: I'm sure they will. I'm sure they'll step in firstly (indiscernible...)
00:04:47,321 --> 00:05:06,833
MKV: Hmm.
NR: And then you'll have to, you know, make sure. And that is also very (inaudible) Supreme Court. Because for five years by the High Court, we were not allowed - including the regulator, MERC - were not allowed to have distributing licenses.
MKV: Hmm.
00:05:06,833 --> 00:05:19,100
NR: We had South Bombay, but then we didn't get North Bombay because these guys were sitting there. We finally had to go to Supreme Court and get a judgment which we did, last year. So for everything we're running to Supreme Court.
00:05:19,100 --> 00:05:30,688
MKV: Yeah yeah, keeping the lawyer and the judges busy.
NR: Yeah, but at whose cost?
00:05:30,688 --> 00:05:47,973
MKV: I know. So what's happening um...there's no...as per the MoU, he needs to have a - he can't sell the gas, Anil.
NR: No, he can't sell the gas. He has to have a power plant. So he says I'm going to have Shahpur, which is I think a 2,400 gas-based and a 1,600 coal-based project. So he's going to have Shahpur.
00:05:47,973 --> 00:06:04,170
NR: Now he's been briefing the media today saying that he will go to Dadri. He will use Gail (?), Gail has not set up the pipeline yet to Dadri, but he says he will have uh, Dadri up and going in three years. Land acquisition is not even completed Dadri, I don't think he'll have land acquisition completed for another two years.
00:06:04,170 --> 00:06:10,170
MKV: Hmm.
NR: So where will you - the thing is that let's say Mukesh Ambani said, "Okay, I'm giving you gas, take it from tomorrow."
00:06:10,170 --> 00:06:12,445
MKV: Hmm.
NR: Where's he going to put it?
00:06:12,445 --> 00:06:22,695
MKV: And if you don't take it you have to play -
NR: You've lost it! Yeah you have to pay me, YOU'LL pay me 2.34, but you've lost it. I mean, you can't take it that's just too bad. I mean, seriously, I think that's what he should do.
00:06:22,695 --> 00:06:28,732
MKV: Hmm.
NR: And say just too bad, I'm sorry, but you wanted gas, I'm giving it to you, the court has ruled that you should get gas, so here you go.
00:06:28,732 --> 00:06:51,541
MKV: Hmm.
NR: You can't trade, that's government's decision. I can't intervene on that. What are you going to do with it? See, the judgment, Venu, the way it's written, everything, TV- I mean, I just see so much similarity between the two judgments. Even language. It's amazing!
00:06:51,541 --> 00:06:58,291
MKV: Yeah, judges don't write their judgments anymore. It's written for them.
NR: Yeah, it's written, and the pen drives are given to them and they just sign off.
00:06:58,291 --> 00:07:17,805
MKV: So easy, no?
NR: Yeah, isn't it? But the thing is, at the end of the day, we are going to have to - I guess all of us, and whether it is anyone, really -we're going to say that these things, particularly natural resources, gas, spectrum, coal, iron ore- It's just going to have to be taken out of the hands of all these guys.
00:07:17,805 --> 00:07:47,599
MKV: No, see, the point is that it should be fairly auctioned or whatever. So that there is a uh...highest price is paid for a natural resource. Nobody can say what a natural resource should be priced at because that's a very subjective and so on. But the market is the best method. And uh, here,...let them bid for the gas and say it's the maximum, that's all. Why should it be set by anyone?
00:07:47,599 --> 00:07:52,148
NR: Correct. I mean, you know -
00:07:52,148 --> 00:08:07,109
MKV: Government should say okay, let every - let there be a pricing auction every year, let the price be settled, that is all.
NR: Correct.
MKV: This is not the way to do it, no? Why should it be 2.34, why should it be 4. Let there be an auction.
00:08:07,109 --> 00:08:12,853
NR: Hmm.
MKV: And (indiscernible) -
00:08:12,853 --> 00:08:17,877
NR: And whoever gets it should be, can take it and (indiscernible). Power plant or fertiliser plant or whatever you want -
00:08:17,877 --> 00:09:01,464
MKV: Yeah yeah yeah. Why is the government getting into it? Uh, because you can sell it for less, you can sell it for more. If the international price of gas is low, why should somebody else pay uh, 4 or whatever if the international price is 3...and the alternative is LNG. You can get LNG in whatever, if prices go down. Or if it goes up, why should the government get uh...or producer get less or government get less. Natural resources, common resource, why should we uh -any less than the international market price or whatever equivalent.
00:09:01,464 --> 00:09:15,503
NR: Correct, correct. I mean let's look at this, if RIL were to auction it and say okay, the highest bidder (indiscernible) one thing on offtake. It all is a big challenge on offtake. But let's assume it's all within a reasonable measure, which is, you know, in line with global pricing.
00:09:15,503 --> 00:09:38,813
MKV: No no, it shouldn't be a - see, it should be volume and price. It's on both parameters, you hire- It's like selling stocks on the stock market. You have a million shares, you still trade. Somebody with ten shares also trades. More or less the price is the same, so what is the problem.
00:09:38,813 --> 00:10:08,366
NR: So what is the problem, that's right. You'll just make that less profit if you have to. But at the end of the day, if you look at Mukesh, he will then pay off his (inaudible) because he's got this cost-based model and then revenue share. But then he pays off his, you know, whatever he's incurred as capex. And uh, is what 7 and a half billion dollars, but faster, and then the government gets the benefit of the revenue share in any case.
MKV: Yeah.
NR: And gets a much larger benefit of revenue share at a much faster pace. At 2.34 they can be waiting forever, no?
00:10:08,366 --> 00:10:13,196
MKV: Hmm!
NR: So it's a...it's a very um, you know, sad thing.
00:10:15,566 --> 00:10:18,809
MKV: What's the mother saying?
00:10:18,809 --> 00:10:23,994
NR: Mother doesn't even get involved.
MKV: But the court says she must.
00:10:23,994 --> 00:10:28,962
NR: No. See. That must be one learned judge's view that the mother...
00:10:28,962 --> 00:10:33,704
NR: I don't think the mother understands how to sell gas.
MKV (laughing)
00:10:33,704 --> 00:10:39,474
NR: You know Kokilaben... she knows about cooking gas.
00:10:39,474 --> 00:10:45,172
NR: Due respect to her, I've seen her, I've met her a number of times.
00:10:45,172 --> 00:10:50,366
NR: I don't think she looks like the sort of person who is interfered with either of the sons other than at the time of settlement which has dragged in.
MKV: Hmm.
00:10:50,366 --> 00:10:56,388
NR: Her view is, you know, why don't you just stop fighting?
MKV: Absolutely. That's what a mother will do.
00:10:56,388 --> 00:11:01,337
NR: Yeah. And I think her interest is that. And he doesn't...
00:11:01,337 --> 00:11:15,128
NR: Anyway she's got a point even now. She was saying the other day - I must tell you this in confidence - her view was that since Amar Singh has come into our lives, he's destroyed our family.
MKV: Yeah, yeah yeah. He has destroyed many more.
NR: Yeah. And she said, you know...
00:11:15,128 --> 00:11:36,038
NR: as mother, when he's dropping all this whole kidney ailment and all that - I shouldn't say this to you but, you know she was saying in Gujarati, she and I talk - she said 'as a mother I can tell you - this is my curse on him, because he destroyed my family,
MKV: Hmmm.
NR: and I'm sure its the curse of many.'
MKV: Hmmm.
00:11:36,038 --> 00:11:51,693
NR: She said 'Anil doesn't understand and he doesn't want to leave him, and he's...' - and that's what the fight was over. It started with Amar Singh.
MKV: Hm! I know.
NR: Anyway. (sigh)
MKV: Its a good talk. Let's see what we can do. Okay, bye. Bye.
(Tape ends)