radiaSRT/srt/128 S Padmanabhan Jul 08 2009 11 12 57.srt
2011-12-22 18:04:02 +05:30

105 lines
4.0 KiB

00:00:06,009 --> 00:00:23,260
(Phone rings)
00:00:23,260 --> 00:00:26,520
Niira: Hi Paddy!
Padmanabhan: Hi, good morning Niira.
00:00:26,520 --> 00:00:35,084
N: Good morning!
P: Um, on this letter to be written to Tata Power, there are two options.
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P: One, to write to RIL, specifically to the secretary of power. The other is to write to the secretary of power. Um, the first one is, we considered it...because you know, our gas supply arrangement is with RIL. And, we can tell them that listen, we have come into an arrangement and from the various reports that we are seeing, we are anxious that this commitment will not be met, and for a variety of reasons we would like that this agreement be ensured that we get gas.
N: Hmm.
00:01:25,580 --> 00:01:29,600
P: Hmm, that is one way of writing this letter.
00:01:29,600 --> 00:01:34,597
N: Hmm, but they'll say that we are only subject to the government allocating the power to you.
00:01:34,597 --> 00:01:36,597
P: Correct correct correct.
N: Yeah.
00:01:36,597 --> 00:01:52,852
P: So I should add that also, that you know, our agreement is based on - subject to the government -
N: Hmm.
P: - allocating gas to us, yeah?
N: Hmm, but won't that be just easier for you to just write to the government and say that, that you know, we are writing to - add a copy to RIL in reverse.
00:01:52,852 --> 00:02:08,626
P: Mmhmm, mmhmm.
N: And if you do it in reverse, you are writing a letter to the Power ministry, saying please allocate us gas and marking a copy to RIL saying that we've sent this letter to the government, because we are concerned about this. In that way. So then you are doing both.
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P: So you prefer that would be better is it?
00:02:11,995 --> 00:02:29,937
N: That would be better, yeah, because at the end of the day RIL will write back and say you know, what, we are writing uh...we are subject to the government's whims and fancies in any case. So why don't you address it to the government. So I think it's easier for you and faster for you to write to the government and mark RIL a copy.
00:02:29,937 --> 00:02:33,188
P: Yes, okay.
N: That may be better, no?
00:02:33,188 --> 00:02:43,938
P: Yes. No no, we were just thinking which would be.... See, the government can actually help us in this whole scheme if we do it this way, like what you're just explaining.
N: Yeah.
00:02:43,938 --> 00:02:56,688
N: They would and then they would - I think (inaudible) everybody's very conscious of this right now, and I think Tata's writing to the government right now would be very critical. Saying that you know, we need this now.
P: Hmm.
00:02:56,688 --> 00:03:09,256
P: And we also felt that we should not refer to the High Court judgment but we should refer to the you know, we are reading reports on this. I think that will be better.
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N: Correct.
00:03:11,438 --> 00:03:30,263
P: And we will stick to the discussion on the quantum. Yeah?
N: Absolutely, and also you should say that - I think you should bring the consumer angle in as well, Paddy. That's very very critical. Mention that "given that it's a pass through", you know?
P: Hmm.
N: It will benefit the consumer.
00:03:30,263 --> 00:03:39,184
P: Okay.
N: And Bombay is reeling on the lack of power and all that (sic) and all that.
P: Yes from morning to evening I've talked to the consumer groups only on that topic now.
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N: (Laughs) You have my sympathies.
00:03:44,536 --> 00:04:04,843
P: Yesterday I met one person who was so suave, but then she said I represent Raj Thackeray, (laughs), and she wanted to know how the power situation is. I think everybody is building their own case.
N: Mmhmm. Mmhmm. (mumbles)
00:04:04,843 --> 00:04:11,373
P: Okay, let me draft something and send it to you.
N: Super, great.
P: One or two paras will talk about emission, this and that. Then -
(Tape ends)