radiaSRT/srt/119 G Ganapathy Subramaniam ET Jul 07 2009 22 41 20.srt
2011-12-22 18:04:02 +05:30

361 lines
15 KiB

00:00:07,903 --> 00:00:19,423
Phone rings (Pal, pal, har pal)
00:00:19,423 --> 00:00:23,263
Niira Radia: Hello..
Ganapathy: Hi..
00:00:23,263 --> 00:00:24,288
Niira Radia: Hello.
Ganapathy: Hello?
00:00:24,288 --> 00:00:29,663
Niira Radia: Hi..
Ganapathy: Hi.. your voice.. voice is very faint.
00:00:29,663 --> 00:00:35,808
Niira Radia: Oh God.. you know I..
Ganapathy: You're not well or something?
00:00:35,808 --> 00:00:40,672
Niira Radia: No no, I'm fine. I'm just little.. you know..
Ganapathy: Tired?
00:00:40,672 --> 00:00:52,448
Niira Radia: How did it go? Tell me.
Ganapathy: Yeah.. so far it.. Rohini came back and told me about this GVK letter and all that.
00:00:52,448 --> 00:01:09,856
Ganapathy: So.. I have helped her do a story on how these power units are complaining.. how they have a major problem with the Bombay High Court order.
00:01:09,856 --> 00:01:22,144
Ganapathy: How they want to.. the government to intervene and all that.. but there is a lot of fights going on.. obviously the friends are mounting a lot of pressure.
00:01:22,144 --> 00:01:28,800
Ganapathy: You would have seen that statement <i>na</i>.. by that lawyer.. whatever..
Niira Radia: Mukul..
00:01:28,800 --> 00:01:42,110
Ganapathy: <i>Haan</i>, in the morning saying they will.. now should be allowed to sell the gas and all that.
Niira Radia: Because I don't have Hathway or don't have those things.. (inaudible) sure what they said...so, what's being said?
00:01:42,110 --> 00:01:51,328
Ganapathy: See, he said that after the court admitted the..
Niira radia: The trading part.. I got that.. what news are you carrying at 8 o'clock?
00:01:51,328 --> 00:02:11,380
Ganapathy: Yeah, that's right. We have just said that they.. they now say they should be allowed to sell.. they are saying that delay in setting out the path because of the lack of supplies.. and therefore they should now be allowed to sell.
00:02:11,380 --> 00:02:19,743
Ganapathy: They are saying they are also doing the same so why should we not allowed (sic) to do the same?
Niira Radia: I saw that yeah. What happened to the GVK letter?
00:02:19,743 --> 00:02:39,199
Ganapathy: That is separately done you know. That is a separate story. So we have kept that. That would be given much more prominence. So, there is a hell of a lot of push and pull going on - major fights.
00:02:39,199 --> 00:03:00,703
Niira Radia: How can there be a fight when the GVK letter and everything is on reecord and all that? They can - They can't block it.
Ganapathy: No, no can't you see the obvious design in the way RNRL is going about projecting its case? How they want to sell gas.. this, that.. blah blah..
00:03:00,703 --> 00:03:08,895
Niira Radia: Yeah, yeah absolutely ! They are never gonna get that you know Ganu... they are never gonna get that - there will be hue and cry and they will continue to do that.
00:03:08,895 --> 00:03:24,255
Niira Radia: That's what. The GVK story - did it come out well?
Ganapathy: Yeah, yeah. Made it much, much better. But apart from GVK it also mentions GMR.
Niira Radia: Tata Power.
Ganapathy: Yeah, Tata Power, torrents.
00:03:24,255 --> 00:03:31,423
Niira Radia: Okay.
Ganapathy: So.. that would make the case stronger. Then fertilizer appropriation also.
00:03:31,423 --> 00:03:37,311
Niira Radia: And did they have a reaction, the other sides?
Ganapaathy: Uhh... no.
Niira Radia: Hmm..
00:03:37,311 --> 00:03:45,759
Ganapathy: Obviously not.
Niira Radia: And this got carried- what- 8,9 and 10' o clock is it?
Ganapathy: Yeah, yeah.
00:03:45,759 --> 00:03:52,416
Niira Radia: I was told that you know the lead story - is it true?
Ganapathy: No, not in the paper.
00:03:52,416 --> 00:03:56,255
Niira Radia: Tomorrow it's not a lead story?
Ganapathy: No, no, not in the paper.
00:03:56,255 --> 00:04:05,215
Niira Radia: Why?
Ganapathy: Because they are carrying a lot of other things. They have Pranab Mukherjee's <i>bhashan</i> (speech) today.
00:04:05,215 --> 00:04:22,880
Niira Radia: <i>Haan</i>..
Ganapathy: And then then something about the.. companies.. the free flows. The public holding in companies that should.. should have that minimum level that they are going to implement from December onwards.
00:04:22,880 --> 00:04:39,519
Ganapathy: So, those are the things which have been.. today there was also Finance Secretary meeting with Deputy General. Then.. apart from Finance Minister and then a lot of other things they have said about the establishment blah blah..
00:04:39,519 --> 00:04:52,063
Niira Radia: So what you are saying is that the GVK story is not the front page tomorrow?
Ganapathy: Yeah trying but it's not the big one.
00:04:52,063 --> 00:05:10,239
Niira Radia: I told her very clearly and she had a word with both Andy and Rahul. So she indicated and she said she had a word with you as well. But that would be the lead story and that would be the front page because I told her.. I mean if you do that otherwise I'm not going to give you another letter.
00:05:10,239 --> 00:05:31,231
Niira Radia: And now you might as well give it to HT then... who are willing to give me a front page. I mean Nayantara was asking me on CNBC that.. like big time saying Mint will carry it front page.. as the deal that they have got.. And Subukumar himself called me and said give it to me and I'll do it you know..
00:05:31,231 --> 00:05:43,776
Ganapathy: But is it one way flow or two way flow? Is it that only CNBC carries the Mint news or does Mint also carry the CNBC news?
Niira Radia: Both.
Ganapathy: Okay..
00:05:43,776 --> 00:06:06,048
Niira Radia: They have a tie up and in fact Subukumar called me in the afternoon after that.. he said Niira why don't you give me this GVK? I'll do it.. I'll make sure that if Nayantara carries it on CNBC, I'll give it front page tomorrow on Mint. (Inaudible)
00:06:06,048 --> 00:06:19,615
Niira Radia: I would have got it on HT also. Sanjoy Narayan was hell bent on getting it.
Ganapathy: Sanjoy is .. who said these?
Niira Radia: No no, Shobana has stepped in.
00:06:19,615 --> 00:06:26,015
Niira Radia: Shobana has clearly stepped in and told them, 'Nothing doing on this one.'
Ganapathy: Oh, I see.
00:06:26,015 --> 00:06:37,279
Niira Radia: Nothing doing.. that's very, very clear... that's a bit of an unfortunate thing because.. no point giving.. then that will be a problem <i>na</i>.. so you tell them..
00:06:37,279 --> 00:06:56,735
Ganapathy: No, no I have already spoken to them. So now Rahul and others are finding a way how to do it. I am pretty sure they must be getting hundreds of phone calls from you know the..
00:06:56,735 --> 00:07:15,167
Niira Radia: No, but Ravi has promised me that if he intervenes on Tony.. by Tony's say so tomorrow.. if he intervenes.. then I have told him very clearly.. I said I had a long chat with Jojo today almost for about half an hour on this issue and I have explained to him and I have told Ravi also today..
00:07:15,167 --> 00:07:28,223
Niira Radia: I said, look you know, we are in a fight and you know, we have set an expectation. And if you go by a set until then fine. Then we'll draw the line.
00:07:28,223 --> 00:07:49,216
Ganapathy: I have introduced the element of natural resource in that. They all want to make sure that the natural resource is distributed in line with the allocation policy and not in line with anything else.
00:07:49,216 --> 00:07:58,432
Ganapathy: So that will be forming an integral part of the..
Niira Radia: <i>Ganu tum thoda dekh lo isko, abhi bhi time hai na</i> (Ganu take a look at this, there is still time right?)
00:07:58,432 --> 00:08:20,191
Ganapathy: Yeah yeah they are still working on it. I have told my key person. I will speak to them again. My only worry is that.. I have a feeling that it's going to get permanance in Mumbai but not so much in Delhi.
00:08:20,191 --> 00:08:31,967
Niira Radia: That will not be good.
Ganapathy: But anyway, so I will work on that.. speak to them again. But if you need to tell anybody, remind anybody - you can do that.
00:08:31,967 --> 00:08:38,880
Niira Radia: You think I should do that?
Ganapathy: Yeah yeah, one reminder nothing... no harm.
00:08:38,880 --> 00:08:47,839
Niira Radia: Then they'll know that I know.. I'm keeping an eye.
Ganapathy: In that case then leave it to me. I'll speak to these guys.
00:08:47,839 --> 00:08:56,799
Niira Radia: What about the Andhra government letter Ganu? Because I have that. I didn't give it to her today intentionally. I didn't want to give it to her. But that's a big letter.
00:08:56,799 --> 00:09:01,919
Ganapathy: I think let's take that up separately.
Niira Radia: No, no that I'll give you only now.
00:09:01,919 --> 00:09:18,815
Niira Radia: <i>Yeh bhi maine isko diya</i> (I gave this too to her).. because you told me to give it to her.
Ganapathy: Yeah yeah .. I wanted government extentions because she told me that she has spoken to people in our office and they were okay with this idea.
00:09:18,815 --> 00:09:35,968
Ganapathy: After that I said okay fine. In that case, we should let it go if it's getting comment, we should get it. But that was my find. Anyway I'll check out the man and in the next half an hour I'll call these people and speak to them. And then work it out.
00:09:35,968 --> 00:09:51,583
Niira Radia: Because today they were trying to spread this whole rumor, that this whole issue is.. that the government has not been served notice, which is not true.
00:09:51,583 --> 00:10:01,567
Ganapathy: What they were trying to say is that the government is not been made party to the case.. it can only be a interceptor not a respondent or something like that.
00:10:01,567 --> 00:10:15,646
Niira Radia: Correct, correct yeah. But that's not true, right? They are an intervenor and respondent both. Intervenor on their side, respondent from our side.
00:10:15,646 --> 00:10:21,791
Ganapathy: This is the RNRL story.
Niira Radia: Yeah yeah.. it's coming?
00:10:21,791 --> 00:10:42,783
Ganapathy: That was there <i>na</i> earlier.. during the day Supriya had taken all this <i>na</i>? Saying whatever they said... about the lawyer saying that they should be allowed to tell and how.. that the government is not a respondent and what the intervenor.. blah blah.. and all that..
00:10:42,783 --> 00:10:53,534
Niira Radia: If she is carrying that story then it will be allowed because then they'll have a problem. Supriya's written that story <i>na</i>?
Ganapathy: Yeah yeah.
00:10:53,534 --> 00:11:07,102
Niira Radia: Well, let us see how it goes.
Ganapathy: Maybe ask somebody to give a call to Bodhi or somebody?
00:11:07,102 --> 00:11:16,575
Ganapathy: I think because today he was working a little late maybe somebody can give him a point.
Niira Radia: I'll tell him what? That I know that's its not coming on Sunday?
00:11:16,575 --> 00:11:41,919
Ganapathy: No, no don't say that. You should .. I think first you should ask somebody else to speak just to say that they shouldn't give too much importance to all that.. lies spread vice.. you know I'm saying that government is not a respondent etc.. so.. that should be fine.
00:11:41,919 --> 00:11:51,135
Ganapathy: Once that goes down then that comes up whatever the..
Niira Radia: But how prominent is that story compared to this one?
00:11:51,135 --> 00:11:59,838
Ganapathy: Not so much.
Niira Radia: Because this is a big story.
Ganapathy: Of course, of course.
00:11:59,838 --> 00:12:13,406
Niira Radia: You know Ganu I just want to know whether you wanted me to give it to Rohini which is why I gave it to her.. I am not interested in working with her. Because I know you and I don't know why I have to work with her.
00:12:13,406 --> 00:12:24,671
Ganapathy: Let me.. that we will.. let me see how consistent she is .. then given all that we will..
Niira Radia: No I am under the impression that she is working under your supervision.
00:12:24,671 --> 00:12:38,239
Ganapathy: Yeah, of course.
Niira Radia: Because she is a bit of a loudmouth. Yeah so you know I'd much rather work with you and understand from you what you want and work it that way I mean..
00:12:38,239 --> 00:12:49,247
Ganapathy: First I wanted to read that copy you know... before that I am fully aware of the background and stuff..
Niira Radia: Which copy? this SMC?
00:12:49,247 --> 00:12:59,742
Ganapathy: <i>Haan haan</i>.
Niira Radia: <i>Tumko mila nahin kya</i>? (You didn't receive it or what Ganu?) I am surprised. Rohit said he had sent it to you. To the studio. It's come in a hard copy, it's come in an envelope to you.
00:12:59,742 --> 00:13:12,031
Ganapathy: In my office?
Niira Radia: Yeah.
Ganapathy: No it's not. If it had been so then Rohit would have told me on phone that <i>koi aa raha hai </i> (someone is coming).. or whatever.
00:13:12,031 --> 00:13:19,455
Niira Radia: Okay then I better tell Cecilia to send it herself tomorrow.
Ganapathy: Yeah yeah sure. If there is a problem it can be sent to my residence.
00:13:19,455 --> 00:13:34,046
Niira Radia: Yeah yeah I'll make sure it gets sent to you straigtaway tomorrow.
Ganapathy: Sure sure.. because..
Niira Radia: I told him very clearly to send it to you and he said I sent it, he confirmed to me I sent it, it's gone to ET Now.
00:13:34,046 --> 00:13:50,942
Niira Radia: Oh God.. okay tomorrow Manoj Modi is meeting MC Venu .. this one .. TK Arun.. maybe. I am setting up a separate time for you and Supriya also .. for you, not Supriya.. you have to tell me who you want to bring from ET Now..
00:13:50,942 --> 00:13:54,015
Ganapathy: Okay fine.
Niira Radia: Yeah?
Ganapathy: Yeah yeah sure.
00:13:54,015 --> 00:14:04,255
Niira Radia: Who would you like to bring because you are the Chief of Bureau here.. so who would you like to bring?
Ganapathy: Is it also going to be tomorrow?
Niira Radia: <i>Nahi nahin </i>(No, no) on Thursday.
00:14:04,255 --> 00:14:12,958
Ganapathy: What time will we meet, roughly?
Niira Radia: I am hoping in the afternoon at about 3 o'clock.
00:14:12,958 --> 00:14:28,575
Ganapathy: Sure, sure. Let me find out tomorrow and tell you how it can work out..
Niira Radia: Because the ET Now bureau in Bombay will be briefed <i>haan</i>. So I don't want them to be briefed and you are not briefed.
00:14:28,575 --> 00:14:37,023
Ganapathy: Yeah I know.
Niira Radia: I'm gonna do that. So I'm gonna put that in the schedule tomorrow or day after.
00:14:37,023 --> 00:14:54,430
Ganapathy: Okay. So what I will now do is.. in the next 15-20 minutes I will quickly speak to the people concerned.
Niira Radia: Call me back and let me look at the itinerary of Manoj Modi in the meantime...and just see which timings I can slot you.. because you have to tell me who you want to bring along with you.
00:14:54,430 --> 00:15:04,717
Ganapathy: Sure sure..
Niira Radia: It's completely off the record. And I'll be at the Chambers.
Ganapathy: Of course, of course, without a doubt.
Niira Radia: And it'll be at the Chambers.
Ganapathy: Ok fine, now I'll -
(Tape ends)