radiaSRT/srt/101 Channu Jul 06 2009 10 40 41.srt
2011-12-22 18:04:02 +05:30

265 lines
7.9 KiB

00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:10,720
(Phone ringing.)
00:00:10,720 --> 00:00:13,279
Niira: Hi Channu!
Channu: Good morning!
00:00:13,279 --> 00:00:16,607
Niira: Good morning! How are you?
Channu: I am fine, thanks. How are you?
00:00:16,607 --> 00:00:19,167
Niira: I am alright. I guess you are busy with the budget?
00:00:19,167 --> 00:00:28,128
Channu: Yaa, yaa! Going to get in a little while from now... Going to get busy with that, but I spoke to Rohini yesterday.
Niira: Hmm!
00:00:28,128 --> 00:00:40,672
Channu: And what I told her is to, while all this is going on, budget and stuff, let us be prepared from tomorrow onwards to go back to the other important issues.
00:00:40,672 --> 00:00:46,048
Niira: Haa! Channu! She has been in touch with me on the phone, between you and me. Ok, so I just want to let you know.
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Channu: Yaa, yaa, yaa!
Niira: But I have told her and don't tell her that I told you this...
Channu: No, no, no!
00:00:50,656 --> 00:00:57,312
Niira: What I have told her is that I need a... If you are going to do a program for me, she said she is going to speak to Andy.
00:00:57,312 --> 00:01:04,992
Channu: Hmm!
Niira: Which is on Wednesday. Which is Whose Gas Is It Anyway? Because I have got NDTV and CNN-IBN and including CNBC for me to do it.
00:01:04,992 --> 00:01:12,416
Channu: Hmm!
Niira: Which they will call in outsiders to... The program is based on whose... It doesn't take sides. It is not about Mukesh or Anil any longer.
00:01:12,416 --> 00:01:14,976
Channu: Hmm!
Niira: It's about whose gas is it anyway?
00:01:14,976 --> 00:01:17,024
Channu: Yaa, it is about the issue and the discussion.
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Niira: Yaa! It is about that and it is about ...(Unclear)... and private agreements because there are 170 NELP aggrements today...
00:01:23,167 --> 00:01:26,496
Channu: Hmm!
Niira: Which will all end up having private agreements tomorrow.
00:01:26,496 --> 00:01:30,335
Channu: Hmm, hmm!
Niira: And then what will you... And then what will the country do with its national priority?
00:01:30,335 --> 00:01:31,360
Channu: Yaa, yaa! Ofcourse, ofcourse.
00:01:31,360 --> 00:01:38,527
Niira: So I have told her this and I have said look, if you are willing to do this, then you get back to me and then I will... I will see what I can give you.
00:01:38,527 --> 00:01:39,551
Channu: Hmm, hmm!
00:01:39,551 --> 00:01:45,440
Niira: To which she said no, you give me information and then she told me that you were in touch with somebody from RIL, I didn't want to tell you anything. I said you don't worry about it.
00:01:45,440 --> 00:01:50,304
Channu: Hmm, hmm!
Niira: That means it touches all of us. If it touches RIL also maybe he is. I know he knows the lawyers and all that.
00:01:50,304 --> 00:01:52,608
Channu: Hmm, hmm, hmm!
Niira: You know, its that this thing.
00:01:52,608 --> 00:01:56,192
Channu: Yaa, yaa!
Niira: So between you and me, she is in touch with me.
Channu: Ok. Good, good, good!
00:01:56,192 --> 00:02:00,543
Niira: But but but not, you know, I am not letting her know what you and I are discussing.
00:02:00,543 --> 00:02:06,431
Channu: Yaa, of course. That is beyond... I mean it is not good for both of us that way.
Niira: Hmm!
00:02:06,431 --> 00:02:08,478
Channu: So, cool, cool. No problem at all.
00:02:08,478 --> 00:02:12,575
Niira: No but what is she going to do because listen I have got your passes organised for the Supreme Court haa.
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Channu: Oh lovely, lovely! Tomorrow right? Is that tomorrow?
Niira: Tomorrow and Wednesday. I've got both.
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Channu: Ok, lovely, lovely!
00:02:19,487 --> 00:02:27,167
Niira: Ok, now the thing is that the SLP I need to give you but the problem is Channu that I need that SLP to be carried in a particular context you know?
00:02:27,167 --> 00:02:30,751
Channu: Hmm, hmm, hmm!
Niira: I have got the SLPs. I have got the copies. They have all come in to me.
00:02:30,751 --> 00:02:34,079
Channu: Sure, sure, sure.
Niira: I need to explain it to you, you see?
00:02:34,079 --> 00:02:38,687
Channu: Yaa, yaa. You let me know. Let the budget hulla be over today.
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Channu: Then we will like I will go to the court tomorrow and also read the papers and then start work on it from tomorrow onwards.
00:02:46,623 --> 00:02:51,231
Niira: Yaa because you know at the end of the day we must drive the point.
Channu: Hmm!
00:02:51,231 --> 00:02:56,095
Niira: You see I have only one point to drive that RIL's case, that RNRL's case...
Channu: Hmm!
00:02:56,095 --> 00:03:01,727
Niira: Is not against the... Is no longer against RIL because it is the government they are challenging <i>na</i>?
Channu: Hmm!
00:03:01,727 --> 00:03:04,799
Niira: You are saying give me a stay on the contract.
Channu: Yaa, yaa, yaa!
00:03:04,799 --> 00:03:12,478
Niira: This whole interim relief issue.
Channu: Hmm! Of course.
Niira: So that's what is being said.
00:03:12,478 --> 00:03:16,063
Channu: Hmm!
Niira: I believe a lot of the state governments have also written, <i>haan</i>!
00:03:16,063 --> 00:03:26,047
Channu: Ohh! That will be very interesting because that gives a new context into the entire thing because I am sure Andhra Pradesh will be one of them definitely.
00:03:26,047 --> 00:03:35,776
Niira: Hmm! Well multiple, multiple state governments have written.
Channu: I think we should keep all this and you know, keep hammering it.
00:03:35,776 --> 00:03:39,360
Niira: Channu for me the most important thing is Wednesday morning.
Channu: Hmm!
00:03:39,360 --> 00:03:43,199
Niira: What the appears on Wednesday morning becomes most critical.
Channu: Ok!
00:03:43,199 --> 00:03:48,063
Niira: Because at the end of the day that is our matter that is coming up on that day.
Channu: Hmm!
00:03:48,063 --> 00:03:55,487
Niira: So that becomes really really critical. So we will have to sit down and plan how we want to do this. You tell me how you are placed because you are busy today <i>na</i>?
00:03:55,487 --> 00:04:07,007
Channu: Ya today will be a little this thing... What I will do is I will come to you first thing tomorrow morning or as and when we are through this evening but it will be pretty late.
00:04:07,007 --> 00:04:11,615
Niira: Ok, give me a call otherwise tomorrow morning we can meet early na?
00:04:11,615 --> 00:04:16,992
Channu: Sure, sure! Yaa, yaa! We will do that. No if we can speak at 10 at night we will do that.
00:04:16,992 --> 00:04:19,552
Niira: Or we will talk tonight in any case <i>na</i>?
Channu: Yaa!
00:04:19,552 --> 00:04:23,135
Niira: Because yesterday they were circulating their fertiliser letter again <i>na</i>.
00:04:23,135 --> 00:04:35,936
Channu: Ahh! So stupid you know that the way they have sort of written. But finally Nainan(?) has put out all their details of their submission and all.
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Niira: When today?
00:04:37,984 --> 00:04:52,832
Channu: Yaa, yaa, yaa! So...What they were trying to tell people not to do, that point has come out and even the other day also I think they had a...
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Niira: On Saturday, on Saturday night... No on Sunday. That was yesterday, it came out very well Nainan(?) put out the whole point very well.
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Channu: Correct, correct.
Niira: But not today. Today I didn't see anything.
00:05:03,583 --> 00:05:09,471
Channu: Yaa, they have done a much better job out of it rather than messing it up you know like...
00:05:09,471 --> 00:05:10,835
Niira: No but has something come up today?
(Tape ends abruptly.)