2011-12-22 18:04:02 +05:30

112 lines
4.8 KiB

00:00:05,599 --> 00:00:17,631
(Phone rings)
00:00:17,631 --> 00:00:19,935
Radia: Hello
PAA: Hello, is it Neera?
00:00:19,935 --> 00:00:26,547
Radia: Yeah, hi, how are you?
PAA: I am fine. How are things?
Radia: I'm fine, I'm fine. I hear Stalin has become Deputy CM...
00:00:26,547 --> 00:00:41,984
PAA: I know. What's happening? Only thing which caught my attention was your person, he keeps saying unless you have total belief in me it won't happen..
PAA: And he keeps hinting it will be only from September. I don't know whether you saw that..
00:00:41,984 --> 00:00:54,496
Radia: Listen he kept on saying that and the thing is that Kani... he said that I can take the horse to the water.. I can't force it to drink it. Astrology should be what you can do and what you can't do right?
00:00:54,496 --> 00:01:19,840
Niira: It says there's a path for you. Now it is for you to take that path. But she didn't take that path and I kept on telling her you should have taken the MoS. But maybe she had her own view which was... I think Kani must learn to look after herself first. She looks after everybody else first.
00:01:19,840 --> 00:01:38,783
PAA: I think it's something we've all been telling her and she's upset after that. Because I told her the same thing.. I told even before we came to Delhi.. I told her, for the first time in your life please look after yourself. Everybody can look after themselves; this is politics you know.
00:01:38,783 --> 00:01:44,928
PAA: It's so cut-throat and nobody is your friend and nobody is your enemy.
Radia: Correct
PAA: What did she say?
00:01:44,928 --> 00:02:03,616
Radia: No, she told me...I think her view is.. I don't know whether she has made a mistake and she recognizes she made a mistake. But maybe we all need to talk to her, no?
PAA: Yes maybe once we all will come to Delhi and we'll all sit together and..
Radia: She is coming to Delhi next week.. she is in the Parliament..
00:02:03,616 --> 00:02:17,951
PAA: No before it was easy when I was just an MLA, now every time I come to Delhi I have to get his permission. And my portfolio as well now.. being IT which is a bit like in the dumps.. I need to work on it.. I am planning to have a roadshow..
00:02:17,951 --> 00:02:23,583
PAA: ...how is Sachin? He's ok?
Radia: He's good.
00:02:23,583 --> 00:02:33,055
PAA: I thought I will write to Sachin and to my minister and see whether he can get the e-governance up and going.
Radia: Yeah. Very good. You should do that.
00:02:33,055 --> 00:02:44,319
PAA: Yeah…because the only reason she has to see your friend (astrologer) is, I kept telling her you know.. that out of the blue he told me that something will happen and he didn't tell me what will happen.
Radia: He is my cousin brother by the way.
00:02:44,319 --> 00:03:02,495
PAA: He said don't go - leave or anything by any chance, because you will come back with a bang he told me. And something happened, that I prepared in my head …you know…..and just held on to it and things did big turn around.
Niira: Yeah yeah.
PAA: So I was just bothered what he can do for her, you know, apart from..
00:03:02,495 --> 00:03:06,335
Radia: Let her come to Delhi on Monday. Let me talk to her.
PAA: Hmm..
00:03:06,335 --> 00:03:20,927
Radia: She is coming on Monday. You also talk to her, let me also talk to her. Let's wait till Monday.
PAA: I think I talk to her enough (chuckle).
Radia: Let us just talk to her on Monday because she has indicated to me that she may have made a mistake. Let us just talk to her and see.. I still think there may be an opportunity, let's see.
00:03:20,927 --> 00:03:39,615
PAA: Well I still feel...I don't think...from whatever I know of the CM from my experience, he will not forego Kani he will get her back in her own time..
Radia: No but I also believe that she should remain friends with Azhagiri and you must encourage her to do that. Because I don't think Azhagiri is going to be able to stay in Delhi long.
00:03:39,615 --> 00:03:43,687
PAA: You think so?
Radia: I don't think he's got the make up to do that.
00:03:43,687 --> 00:03:49,087
PAA: No, no you are underestimating him.
Niira: Think about it.
PAA: They are all cut-throat politicians <i>yaa</i>r!
00:03:49,087 --> 00:03:59,071
Radia: No I understand that. But he would want to be in Tamil Nadu, why would he want to be here?
PAA: He is already missing Madurai and he said he wants to go back.
00:03:59,071 --> 00:04:02,631
Radia: I am telling you. Tell her to remain friends with him. Trust me.
00:04:02,631 --> 00:04:11,373
PAA: When I come there <i> na </i> one day, we will talk. I will be coming around the end of this week or early next week
Radia: Good I will be here.
(Tape ends)