radiaSRT/srt/136 Tarun Das Jul 09 2009 17 49 39.srt
2012-01-28 12:42:40 +00:00

182 lines
6.9 KiB

00:00:05,343 --> 00:00:19,167
(Phone rings)
00:00:19,167 --> 00:00:26,847
Niira: Tarun hi...hello?
Tarun: Are you in a meeting?
00:00:26,847 --> 00:00:34,784
Niira: No no, I just came out, Manoj Modi was briefing the media. Hmm. Hi.
Tarun: Where are you?
00:00:34,784 --> 00:00:39,392
Niira: I am at the Taj Chambers. Manoj Modi's briefing the journalists.
Tarun: Ah...
00:00:39,392 --> 00:00:42,976
Niira: We have a battlefield going on.
Tarun: Oh...
00:00:42,976 --> 00:01:00,384
Niira: ...I've come out now.
Tarun: Now I had a good meeting with Sunil, I spent and hour with him and uh, he is um, he said it again and again and I felt that he was being sincere, that he really wants to build bridges with Ratan -
Niira: Mmhmm.
00:01:00,384 --> 00:01:28,543
Tarun: - so I spoke to him, I asked him about that and uh, he's...as you...he feels he's stepped back from Raja, he's not getting into any - trying not to get into a war and all that. He feels on spectrum, everybody's alright, and maybe this time Raja can't be openly favouring one person.
Niira: Uh huh.
00:01:28,543 --> 00:01:56,704
Tarun: He, he really wants to meet Ratan once, I think, and clear the air with him. He wants to do it face-to-face, talk to him. I talked to him about this Vir Sanghvi, you know, doing this interview. He said, "Yeah, I don't like it, because it's called 'Tycoons'" and I saw Vijay Mallya, one night ago - two nights ago, and he said he didn't like the programme but he has agreed to do it so he doesn't want to back out -
00:01:56,704 --> 00:02:14,623
Tarun: - but uh...so I don't know, I think it'll depend on you, really, what you can do. To get them together. If you can get Mukesh and Ratan together, with all the history there, surely you can get these two guys together.
00:02:14,623 --> 00:02:25,631
Niira: Yeah, I'll give it my best shot, I think it's uh...you told him...
Tarun: - It'll be helpful, you know, it'll be helpful if all three of them are on the same page.
Niira: Hmm. Hmm, hmm, hmm.
00:02:25,631 --> 00:02:46,879
Tarun: He said that uh, Mukesh is uh...not giving clearance for sale to AT&T.
Niira: No, that's right, we're not doing that. Yeah. He's - they've already written to - AT&T is written back, they wrote to AT&T's lawyers, saying that you cannot go ahead with this without taking our approval -
00:02:46,879 --> 00:02:54,815
Niira: - anycase we have a ROFR, so the lawyers have written back saying we are not in dialogue.
Tarun: Oh, okay.
00:02:54,815 --> 00:03:04,031
Niira: But that's been stopped in any case, because they're not going to allow AT&T to come in. I mean, the ROFR will have to work.
Tarun: Yeah, but that's what is bailing Anil...
Niira: Yeah.
00:03:04,031 --> 00:03:07,871
Niira: We know AT&T is talking to them, they're just denying it right now.
Tarun: Right.
00:03:07,871 --> 00:03:26,815
Niira: Yeah, the ROFR won't happen, Tarun, Mukesh is very clear.
Tarun: Ya.
Niira: I don't think he knows...he wants to... -- of his brother.
Tarun: Ya.
Niira: So that's gotta be put to rest once and for all, the government is going to have to take a position on whether it wants to secure it's own assets or not.
00:03:26,815 --> 00:03:38,335
Tarun: Yeah.
Niira: So that's gonna carry on. Others is loot will continue from both sides. You told him that I - I've been in touch with -
Tarun: Yeah.
Niira: Yeah.
00:03:38,335 --> 00:03:53,695
Niira: He knows that you and I - that he - that you, that you know I've met him and all that, na?
Tarun: Yeah, I know, and I made it clear that I know you very well and you're...that part, so that there's a relationship there and a friendship there.
00:03:53,695 --> 00:04:12,127
Niira: Hmm.
Tarun: But he was fine with that, he said, yeah, I've met her. No issue... I understand.
Niira: Hmm.
Tarun: He says you know everything, how do you know everything?
Niira: Hmm.
Tarun: I said you're meeting my friends. We talk amongst ourselves.
00:04:12,127 --> 00:04:27,231
Niira: Hmm. I mean, basically you and I have common ground ground to bring them together, so that's uh...
Tarun: I think it'll be helpful to (inaudible). Actually, if three of them are together, I think on issues it'll be very helpful to the PM also, you know?
Niira: Yeah, yeah.
00:04:27,231 --> 00:04:34,143
Tarun: So...
Niira: You have to convince Ratan though, yeah. You must send Ratan that letter, <i>haan</i>, on that Air India thing.
Tarun: Done!
00:04:34,143 --> 00:04:42,591
Tarun: Done, I did it yesterday, on his personal email id.
Niira: Oh, okay. Because uh, he's -
Tarun: Is he accepting?
00:04:42,591 --> 00:04:53,855
Niira: No no, not yet, he sent me a mail today from - uh, before he took off.
Tarun: Hmm.
Niira: From London to say that we'll come an discuss because, um, Praful and them are pushing that he's accepted when he hasn't -
00:04:53,855 --> 00:04:58,975
Tarun: Yeah...
Niira: - so they're just trying to create the pressure that he's accepted so that he can't -
Tarun: Praful's playing games here.
00:04:58,975 --> 00:05:03,328
Niira: Yeah, Praful's playing games here.
Tarun: He mustn't oblige.
00:05:03,328 --> 00:05:15,104
Niira: Yeah, he mustn't do that. I hope not.
Tarun: If Prime Minister were to make a personal call, it would be different, but she must have authority. No authority. This is a whitewash for Praful.
00:05:15,104 --> 00:05:23,040
Niira: Correct, correct, absolutely.
Tarun: And you know, Vijay Mallya and Naresh Goel and everybody will be nicing him.
Niira: Hmm hmm hmm.
00:05:23,040 --> 00:05:28,671
Tarun: Make sure that everything collapses in.
Niira: Correct, I agree with you. I told him, that you can do without it, so let's hope...
00:05:28,671 --> 00:05:32,000
Tarun: Okay, take care.
Niira: Has Vishal called you?
00:05:32,000 --> 00:05:41,216
Tarun: Yeah, yeah, he's talked to me.
Niira: He's told you because we're looking at that land within their land and he's organising that part. That was a new thing that came up today, I believe.
00:05:41,216 --> 00:05:48,384
Tarun: So I said there's no fire, you take your time, sort things out, then we'll see -
Niira: No but that will be so interesting because they already have to maintain that area.
00:05:48,384 --> 00:06:00,160
Tarun: Right.
Niira: And it has to be green, and then it comes to us at a really, really, you know, a concessional concessional rate. Which is really fantastic. We can only - they can only give it to us. Because they have to maintain it in any case, you know -
00:06:00,160 --> 00:06:03,231
Tarun: That'll be great, yeah.
Niira: Yeah. So they're going to do that.
00:06:03,231 --> 00:06:10,440
Tarun: So he'll get back to me.
Niira: Yeah, he's apparently the father's called him tomorrow so that's good, yeah. So I'll give you a call. I'm here tomorrow, so give me a call, if we can meet -
(Tape ends abruptly)