radiaSRT/srt/47 Shalini Singh Tata Group Jun 11 2009 21 19 17.srt
2011-12-22 18:04:02 +05:30

358 lines
16 KiB

00:00:07,903 --> 00:00:10,975
(Phone rings)
00:00:10,975 --> 00:00:11,743
Shalini: Hello?
00:00:11,743 --> 00:00:14,559
Niira: Sorry Shalini, network issues.
Shalini: No problem.
00:00:14,559 --> 00:00:27,871
(They chuckle)
Niira: Yeah, you were saying? So yesterday...you are going to tell them that uh...you'll be able to tell basically, but address the not Mumbaikars more, in specific (inaudible) -
Shalini: Right...right.
00:00:27,871 --> 00:00:42,208
Niira: That's the sort of, you know...I just expect that, for them to do that otherwise they're going to send people to pick it out at Bombay House and uh -
Shalini: That might still happen, Niira. You are absolutely on the ball, that might still happen, which could be people who they pay to do it, you know?
00:00:42,208 --> 00:00:43,744
Niira: Yeah, of course, yeah, yeah.
Shalini: <i>Haan.</i>
00:00:43,744 --> 00:01:04,223
Niira: But I think what may be very interesting is to have people say in North Bombay that that's great, we're gonna have Tatas giving us power who gave us power in Bombay for a 100 years ago, (inaudible), bring that sort of...maybe we have to set it up, maybe we some consumers from North Bombay to make that statement saying this is really great.
00:01:04,223 --> 00:01:08,832
Shalini: Hmm, hmm. Okay, okay.
Niira: Okay, so I've told this to Rakesh, I've given some inputs and all so I think -
00:01:08,832 --> 00:01:12,672
Shalini: Wonderful.
Niira: - Yeah, so Monday we would be uh -
00:01:12,672 --> 00:01:23,936
Shalini: Yeah, Monday we are targetting. Yeah, you, we would really appreciate - if you have time - for you to look at the letter also, which would go to them.
Niira: No no, it's coming to, he said...Rakesh said he's sending me a -
00:01:23,936 --> 00:01:30,592
Shalini: Okay, that draft? Yeah. Okay I'll send Rakesh a draft but it's not finalised as yet. We're still getting the lawyers - because you know, some of the language is a little harsh.
Niira: Hmm hmm.
00:01:30,592 --> 00:01:47,744
Shalini: So we're wondering if the lawyers will temper it. So in case...that's likely to happen tomorrow, so I will uh send to Rakesh and to probably you and Vishal the final letter which goes on Monday.
Niira: Great, great. Because I did tell Rakesh send me uh, the letters, I'd be very happy to look at those, would be very very -
00:01:47,744 --> 00:01:53,120
Shalini: Great. So I - the first time -
Niira: So let's go forward, let's go finalise.
00:01:53,120 --> 00:01:55,424
Shalini: Yeah I'm really excited.
(They laugh)
00:01:55,424 --> 00:02:01,824
Shalini: And I wanted you to know for, to prove that we are...we are actually, your push is helping.
Niira: (Laughing) Interesting. There's one more thing, Shalini.
00:02:01,824 --> 00:02:08,223
Shalini: Yeah, tell me.
Niira: What is the bottomline or the topline, do we have any idea, because they are obviously going to lose out on uh, topline.
00:02:08,223 --> 00:02:20,767
Shalini: Hmm, hmm hmm.
Niira: I don't know what their bottomline position is going to be, as it is, I think - So I, what I would like to do is if I understand that they're going to have a - obviously they're going to go to the grid and buy 500 megawatts somewhere.
00:02:20,767 --> 00:02:34,079
Shalini: Hmm, hmm, hmm.
Niira: Or they're going to get it from uh XYZ. Now, whatever it is, there's still an uncertainty, but our people in Tata Power would be able to tell us what are the possibilities of them getting. That one is going to have an impact on their stock price.
00:02:34,079 --> 00:02:40,478
Shalini: Hmm.
Niira: The second is going to be uh the fact that they will be having a challenge as far getting power is concerned.
00:02:40,478 --> 00:02:47,391
Shalini: Yeah.
Niira: It's already you know, um, and therefore it's going to have an impact on the topline, definitely, and bottomline of course.
00:02:47,391 --> 00:02:53,791
Shalini: Yes.
Niira: But I would then like to push that sort of a story through Manoj, and tell Muk -
00:02:53,791 --> 00:03:06,079
Shalini: Hmm, hmm, hmm. I have an interesting - I have an interesting thing to tell you, actually it will impact more of the bottomline than, and of course, there would be...topline also would be affected because Niira you know what would happen is, this 500 megawatts which we have, okay -
Niira: Hmm.
00:03:06,079 --> 00:03:14,527
Shalini: It will go, it will actually...for the...for the short while, that is available for us to merchant, also.
Niira: Uh huh.
00:03:14,527 --> 00:03:27,839
Shalini: So there is this bidding, where REL- where we will tell REL that you can buy that power but you'll have to buy it via our Tata Power trading which means you'll pay a higher price (inaudible). So it will directly impact their bottomline in that case.
00:03:27,839 --> 00:03:42,175
Niira: Uh huh.
Shalini: So bottomline impact is very clear, if they had to even buy this power it's available, so they will have to buy it at a higher price and not at the regulated price, because they don't have a PPA and they have been plain difficult, hmm? The second part is even if we - sorry?
00:03:42,175 --> 00:04:01,631
Niira: Uh huh.
Shalini: The second part is: so definitely the impact is more of bottomline if they buy this power. If they go out, then they will get power even at a higher price. Which is 11. 8-9 rupees, right now this is 5, at a case one bidding they might get it at 7.30 or something. 7-7.30, that's our estimation.
00:04:01,631 --> 00:04:12,895
Niira: Hmm.
Shalini: And if they go out in the market they will have to probably buy it on a day-to-day basis, in certain cases, or they might have to - so it's a lot of work, basically, for them.
00:04:12,895 --> 00:04:23,135
Niira: That's a great thing, because, see, I'm looking at now from the impact that's gonna have as far as the financial institutions towards them.
00:04:23,135 --> 00:04:54,111
Niira: The messaging going out to them, and then you have Manoj, can you come to put those positionings out?
Shalini: And we can instigate BEST at some point of time, I'm not saying now, to actually say that look, they're not being ab - they don't have the, they've not made the arrangements as the distribution company, which is actually their uh...basically, their responsibility, and we can actually tell Mark that you should cancel their licence because they're not able to service consumers. So you know, that kind of thing BEST has been raising.
00:04:54,111 --> 00:04:59,743
Niira: Hmm, hmm, hmm. The other thing is that Rakesh needs to push...
Shalini: Hmm, hmm.
00:04:59,743 --> 00:05:19,712
Niira: And needs to push that sort of messaging via the journalist, ask them to ask BEST what will happen, and they'll say, if they can't provide them we'll have to cancel their licence.
Shalini: Yes, and I think that would be very interesting. That is what - I don't know how much it is possible, but I think uh, that is the time too really raise this issue, either through BEST or through Consumer Group -
00:05:19,712 --> 00:05:26,111
Niira: Hmm.
Shalini: On basically saying that if you can't take your power, let's not re-look at their light (?).
00:05:26,111 --> 00:05:38,656
Niira: But you know, Shalini, if they still have to go out and get power from outside, which they're gonna do, and or they're going to have to bid through the uh merchant uh, you know, your route that you're suggesting -
Shalini: Hmm.
00:05:38,656 --> 00:05:44,031
Niira: They're still going to pass the Consumer Tariff one to the...they're gonna pass it on to the consumer, so -
Shalini: Hmm, hmm.
00:05:44,031 --> 00:05:51,455
Niira: They're gonna say look if you're going to have to pay eleven rupees now that's because that's what I'm having to pay from Tata, they're getting really want to earn more profits.
Shalini: Hmm, hmm, hmm.
00:05:51,455 --> 00:05:56,575
Niira: So that may be still a googly that will hurt you.
Shalini: Oh yes, it will.
00:05:56,575 --> 00:05:58,880
Niira: Yeah, yeah.
Shalini: You're absoutely right, they'll blame us, they will blame us.
00:05:58,880 --> 00:06:19,615
Niira: So we'll keep on reinforcing that message that no well they you don't...you have a choice, we also have a licence, so we will any case provide you directly. Whatever is our price, we will provide you at that, and with the consumer you know, will feel, and then with you're not going to have to go direct - you can go directly with us, we're the generator, we're also the distributor.
00:06:19,615 --> 00:06:29,600
Shalini: Hmm, hmm.
Niira: So you any case, you cut out the middleman so it's the sa - he said, those sort of statements in the market, at least -
Shalini: The only problem is - There's only one problem, uh, Niira, right now.
00:06:29,600 --> 00:06:36,768
Niira: Hmm.
Shalini: See, our network, okay, uh...is an issue right now, okay?
Niira: Hmm, hmm, hmm.
00:06:36,768 --> 00:07:06,463
Shalini: In the sense that we have some 26,000 customers over the last one year, ever since the license - in July we got the licence, we've added about 3,000 customers, 2,600 - we have serious network expansion issues therefore you know the...we are not hundred per cent geared up to say, okay, uh, if one of the Reliance consumer (sic) gets up tomorrow and says I am at X location, it's not necessary that we actually have a network to service him.
00:07:06,463 --> 00:07:30,272
Niira: Hmm...
Shalini: So we'll have to see, so that is a caveat and I wanna, want to just uh, tell you our limitations, that - it's not that - right now the network is mature enough to service anybody and everybody, that's one of the reasons why we are in the retail uh, um... we've applied already for the CAPEX etc, and that is going to get cleared in the next few days, that order is going to come, on the three years expansion plan.
00:07:30,272 --> 00:07:56,895
Shalini: So that's one thing where we will have to uh, you know, either regulator has to step into allow REL's access to be used - the transmission capacity and the dismission capacity - to be used to even service that customer, and we could be the last mile connection, that kind of thing. That, which - which is again, you know them much more than any one of us in the sense that how difficult they can be on infrastructure sharing also, <i>na</i>?
00:07:56,895 --> 00:08:01,503
Niira: Hmm, hmm, hmm.
Shalini: Hmm.
Niira: Okay, so you're going to have to use them, is it?
00:08:01,503 --> 00:08:32,222
Shalini: Hmm, no not necessarily, we, see, we will be very lucky if few consumers get up, are consumers who are near our current receiving stations, who we could just pull the wire and help, okay? But if it is, if it is too - if it is too far away from some of the existing receiving stations, then it actually means - network actually means that you have to set up these substations and receiving stations to be able to service. Which we, as a generator are - uh, has to expand, much more than anybody else.
00:08:32,222 --> 00:08:38,111
Niira: Hmm, hmm, hmm, okay.
Shalini: So that part is uh, is...is uh -
00:08:38,111 --> 00:09:07,807
Niira: Okay, but I think it's no harm in saying that we are going to be retailing and all -
Shalini: Yes, yes, there is no harm, no no, not at all, not at all. In fact we have very clearly said that we're going into growth areas, we are very...we said if we're not even targetting switchovers right now because Bombay demand is growing substantially and uh we're looking at growth areas and uh, and you know, around our substations whatever areas which happen to be all North Bombay actually.
00:09:07,807 --> 00:09:14,208
Niira: Great, great. I'm glad, I'm glad we're doing -
00:09:14,208 --> 00:09:21,888
Niira: So that financial you know, if you have some info on the sort of financials that are going to get uh...I'm sure your people have done some sums.
Shalini: Hmm, hmm, they have.
00:09:21,888 --> 00:09:33,408
Niira: That'd be very useful, then I can use...Tell Rakesh you know, also to (inaudible) full stories also along with them and give them info technology also. That'd be useful, Shalini if you can get that also.
Shalini: Sure, sure sure.
00:09:33,408 --> 00:09:38,783
Niira: Thanks so much, and all the best -
Shalini: Thank you Niira, and we need all the - we need all the good wishes I think -
00:09:38,783 --> 00:09:55,679
Niira: (inaudible).
Shalini: - fights that we're going to be having. Section 11 is the only thing that worries us in all of this because of the - Niira, one thing that we want to just tell you, it's not on your radar, is that the State elections are scheduled in September-October, okay?
00:09:55,679 --> 00:10:09,758
Niira: Yeah.
Shalini: So if they, um, raise too much of ruckus, REL, then because of the consumer thing and because of the State elections etcetera, State government can be - can play safe.
00:10:09,758 --> 00:10:23,070
Niira: Yeah well they'll enforce attack, right, they'll enforce that uh - even if a gray area though, isn't it?
Shalini: Yeah, it's a gray area, we'll have to take our chances you know, that's why I um, we have to take our chance, it's now or never.
00:10:23,070 --> 00:10:27,679
Niira: (yawning) Well you're gonna have Shiv Sena send stuff to you next.
00:10:27,679 --> 00:10:37,919
Niira: That's what's gonna happen. Because they went after them, so you're going to have the same Shiv Sainiks coming after you saying you can't do that, you know.
Shalini: <i>Haan</i>, can happen.
00:10:37,919 --> 00:10:47,903
Niira: So that's what they'll do, and they'll you know, create a bit of a ruckus.
Shalini: Only only if we - if they feel we are responsible otherwise they can still go after REL.
00:10:47,903 --> 00:10:51,231
Niira: I don't think so, they'll turn the tables.
Shalini: No?
00:10:51,231 --> 00:10:59,165
Niira: No, no, I don't think so. Don't, don't, because they would have by now sorted that out, because remember that Uddhav and I'm already take funding from both groups, you know.
Shalini: Hmm.
00:10:59,165 --> 00:11:01,726
Niira: So -
Shalini: Yeah, suddenly they're very quite also, actually.
00:11:01,726 --> 00:11:12,990
Niira: Yeah, they would've handled that, and therefore that's the first group they're going to turn on your head. Therefore my suggestion is tell Prasad that he should get Krishnakumar to talk to Uddhav.
Shalini: Accha, okay, okay.
00:11:12,990 --> 00:11:25,278
Niira: Simultaneously you know, we should just make sure that we don't get - if we feel, that even if we get a sense that they're gonna, then KK should pick up the phone and tell him that you do not go after the Tatas on this one, you know.
Shalini: Okay, okay okay.
00:11:25,278 --> 00:11:29,119
Niira: Because KK has a good rapport with him.
Shalini: Okay, okay.
00:11:29,119 --> 00:11:37,310
Niira: Hmm? Otherwise I'll see how I can use the other group to get a message across through them...in order to say <i>ke</i> (that) go after them instead, <i>na</i>?
00:11:37,310 --> 00:11:43,966
Niira: Yeah? We'll try that. Okay, but - we'll both work on this together so that we'll just uh -
Shalini: Sure, sure -
00:11:43,966 --> 00:11:53,695
Niira: - brief KK and then I'll separately tell them to tell uh, Uddhav to go after them instead, yeah?
Shalini: Okay.
00:11:53,695 --> 00:11:59,838
Niira: That may be the better way to do it. I don't think Congress and the others are going to do too much, but you never know.
Shalini: -Know, hmm.
00:11:59,838 --> 00:12:02,398
Niira: Yeah, but the State government may take a call, and may say -
Shalini: Yeah.
00:12:02,398 --> 00:12:09,567
Niira: - no, you know, this is uh...
Shalini: And Power is anyway quite a burning issue for Maharashtra government na, always?
00:12:09,567 --> 00:12:14,687
Niira: Correct, correct, and they won't uh - they'll see that as a threat, yeah.
Shalini: Hmm, hmm, hmm.
00:12:14,687 --> 00:12:35,165
Niira: Okay, well let's see. Be careful of the MNS and all that, they're the ones that'll use this as a (sic) opportunity of the big industrialist trying to (inaudible) poor man and all that, so that could be an MNS hang up. So let's see, let's let's -
Shalini: Yeah, I guess we've to take our chances though.
00:12:35,165 --> 00:12:36,359
Niira: Huh?
Shalini: I said, I guess we -
(Tape ends)