radiaSRT/srt/24 Vir Sanghvi May 22 2009 22 16 23.srt
2011-12-22 18:04:02 +05:30

91 lines
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00:00:07,391 --> 00:00:14,048
Pal pal pal pal...(Phone rings)
00:00:14,048 --> 00:00:16,607
Niira Radia: Hi.
Vir Sanghvi: Hi, can you talk?
00:00:16,607 --> 00:00:18,399
Niira Radia: Hi.
Vir Sanghvi: Can you talk?
00:00:18,399 --> 00:00:24,544
Niira Radia: Yeah, yeah. Okay.
Vir Sanghvi: No, Maran did not meet Sonia.
Niira Radia: He didn't, no? They've gone around telling everybody...
00:00:24,544 --> 00:00:37,344
Vir Sanghvi: He's not met Sonia, he's been, they have refused, they're not treating him as official spokesperson at all. He called..., I saw your message, he is nonstop calling up Ghulam Nabi Azad every half an hour and making new demands and all that.
00:00:37,344 --> 00:00:52,448
Vir Sanghvi: As far as we're concerned there is two wives, one brother, one sister, one nephew it's all got very complicated for us. We've made a basic offer, if Karunanidhi responds to us and tells us that he would like to respond directly, he would like to talk to Ms. Gandhi.
00:00:52,448 --> 00:01:04,992
Vir Sanghvi: He spoke only to Manmohan Singh. We would be more than happy but we're not going to chase them now. We've told Maran that also they have to come back to us and tell us what they think of our offer. And apparently the DMK is getting very bad press in Chennai?
Niira Radia: Mm-hmm.
00:01:04,992 --> 00:01:18,560
Vir Sanghvi: So, he said we're going to wait for two days. Let them come back, we are of the line that this is not a Congress- DMK problem, this is an internal DMK problem because they can't get their act together between all his wives and children and nephews and all of that.
00:01:18,560 --> 00:01:28,032
Vir Sanghvi: He's got to get his act together and nominate one person and we would be very happy to deal with him. We are not happy with this Maran who keeps calling up Ghulam Nabi and saying talk to me, talk to me. They are not taking him seriously.
00:01:28,032 --> 00:01:35,968
Niira Radia: Very interesting. I'm glad of - you spoke to Ghulam Nabi, is it?
Vir Sanghvi: I spoke to Ahmed.
00:01:35,968 --> 00:01:40,832
Niira Radia: Ahmed <i>achha</i>.
Vir Sanghvi: Ghulam Nabi is not very key figure, Ahmed is the key figure.
00:01:40,832 --> 00:01:53,632
Niira Radia: Right, right, right.
Vir Sanghvi: Yeah. So, Ahmed he says Ghulam has been dealing with Maran. But Ghulam is not our official person and we're not taking Maran seriously. As far as we're concerned they've asked for five crucial ministries, they've asked for five crucial ministries, it's an idiotic and unreasonable demand.
00:01:53,632 --> 00:02:10,139
Vir Sanghvi: We've made them a perfectly reasonable demand. Now, it is for Karunanidhi to get back to us, Kanni come and see us, anyone can come and see us and say I'll put you on the line with my father et cetera, lines are, doors are open to her. But we can't have a situation where Maran keeps calling us and saying I'm the person and telling Ghulam, I want this, I want that, who is Maran?
00:02:10,139 --> 00:02:18,463
Niira Radia: Mm-hmm.
Vir Sanghvi: Maran has gone back apparently today to Chennai?
Niira Radia: Yeah. He has gone back, yeah. I'll tell him to call back.
00:02:18,463 --> 00:02:28,447
Vir Sanghvi: He says, we told him - we told Maran also that we'll deal with Karunanidhi, so he has gone back. So, they are quite hopeful they say, we made a very reasonable offer, we've lot of regards for Karunanidhi, we would like to deal with him. We have no regard for Maran.
00:02:28,447 --> 00:02:32,799
Niira Radia: Okay. That's interesting.
Vir Sanghvi: Yeah.
00:02:32,799 --> 00:02:37,918
Niira Radia: I better tell them this.
Vir Sanghvi: Yeah. Anything further, I mean, just let me know and I'll take it further.
00:02:37,918 --> 00:02:39,711
Niira Radia: Okay, great. And...
Vir Sanghvi: Yeah. And 1:30 tomorrow, you know...
00:02:39,711 --> 00:02:43,481
Niira Radia: ...we meet 1:30, 1:30 yeah, yeah.
Vir Sanghvi: Yeah. Yeah. See you then, bye, bye.