1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:09,696 (phone rings) 2 00:00:09,696 --> 00:00:13,024 Niira Radia: Hi Rajdeep, sorry  Rajdeep Sardesai: Haan bolo... 3 00:00:13,024 --> 00:00:22,239 Niira Radia: No I thought maybe you are in Italy after the budget. Rajdeep Sardesai: No, no yaa where yaar...? I am going to meet the finance minister today after the budget for a idea that I want to share with him. 4 00:00:22,239 --> 00:00:32,479 Niira Radia: Achha achhaa. I was just talking to Suhel and he was going off on his holiday after he's recovered from his... Rajdeep Sardesai: Suhel Seth has a lot of time and money, neither of which I have at the moment. 5 00:00:32,479 --> 00:00:36,064 Niira Radia: (laughs) Rajdeep Sardesai: So I have to... 6 00:00:36,064 --> 00:00:43,744 Niira Radia: You've got a cold, is it? Rajdeep Sardesai: No, no yaar, no no where yaa, it's hot yaar, it's hot as ever 7 00:00:43,744 --> 00:00:46,304 Niira Radia: It's awful, it's awful Rajdeep Sardesai: Awful 8 00:00:46,304 --> 00:00:49,376 Niira Radia: Rajdeep, Manoj Modi is in town tomorrow Rajdeep Sardesai: OK 9 00:00:49,376 --> 00:01:00,128 Niira Radia: And we are coming across to the Network 18 office in Noida tomorrow. Meeting Raghav and we were wondering if you were there Rajdeep Sardesai: What time? 10 00:01:00,128 --> 00:01:07,040 Niira Radia: We are coming across at 3 30. Rajdeep Sardesai: Haan 3 30 is fine because 12 to 2 I have a meeting. 3: 30 is perfect. 11 00:01:07,040 --> 00:01:16,256 Niira Radia: We are there at Raghav's office at about 3:30. Can we meet up with you as well and have a run over with the gas issue and all that has been going on? 12 00:01:16,256 --> 00:01:27,520 Rajdeep Sardesai: Sure, sure, sure. But I think it might be easier because... I maybe... just suppose maybe if I have to cancel my Parliament thing, if I am not there, who will you meet in case I am not there? 13 00:01:27,520 --> 00:01:30,847 Niira Radia: We are meeting Raghav, and Raghav said he may as well just call Shireen in 14 00:01:30,847 --> 00:01:40,064 Rajdeep Sardesai: Haan that's that's we'll take everything from them. But I want Manoj to meet Sameer Manchanda because Sameer and Manoj had a long chat in between on the cable thing. 15 00:01:40,064 --> 00:01:50,304 Rajdeep Sardesai: So I'll make sure that if I cannot be, I've committed to someone in Parliament, I realize now, if I don't return by 3:30 it will be a problem.   Niira Radia: hmhmm 16 00:01:50,304 --> 00:02:04,384 Rajdeep Sardesai: But if I can, I will come, otherwise, uhhh if I can get someone from our team also to be briefed along, at that time I am fine, but frankly Shireen is the reporter who covers (inaudible) and all that 17 00:02:04,384 --> 00:02:16,136 Niira Radia: OK great because Raghav in his last convo had indicated, he said (inaudible) so Manoj said: Why don't we just go across to their office and I said I haven't even been across to your office... 18 00:02:16,136 --> 00:02:26,919 Rajdeep Sardesai: My own, my own sense that I get is that if Shireen is briefed properly, then we'll be fine because we'll take all our stuff from them. But if possible, if one of our guys who is covering it in the court can also be briefed, nothing like it. 19 00:02:26,919 --> 00:02:27,501 Niira Radia: OK OK. [abrupt end of tape]