1 00:00:05,343 --> 00:00:12,243 Phone Rings 2 00:00:12,243 --> 00:00:34,527 Radia: Hi! Vir: Hi, dekha? (Saw it?) Wrote it, I've dressed it up as a piece about how public will not stand for resources being cornered, how we are creating a new list of oligarchs. The examples I have given is court case which shows that mummy will decide that its all her family .. why should our gas be decided by mummy. 3 00:00:34,527 --> 00:00:46,560 Vir: I have given the example of the deal they struck on Sasan after the Samajwadi Party supported the government and they went back on the deal.. and they went back on their old position. 4 00:00:46,560 --> 00:00:51,424 Vir: I have given this example of how our spectrum is being allocated. 5 00:00:51,424 --> 00:01:07,040 Vir: And I have said that while people have a certain tolerance for corruption in this country.. they have no tolerance for people cornering our assets. And cornering our scarce resources, what is gonna happen is that this country is gonna become a country run by oligarchs like Russia who nobody can control. 6 00:01:07,040 --> 00:01:13,940 Vir: And then Manmohan Singh must act because he is basically giving away the future of our country. Radia: Very nice! 7 00:01:13,940 --> 00:01:16,768 Radia: Lovely.. thank you Vir. 8 00:01:16,768 --> 00:01:22,655 Vir: Dressed up as a plea to Manmohan Singh so it won't look like an inter-Ambani battle thing except to people in the know. 9 00:01:22,655 --> 00:01:28,077 Radia: Very nice! Vir: So you read it, tell me what you think. Radia: Thanks. You are leaving tonight. Vir: Ya, I'm leaving tonight, so I'll be in ... tomorrow.