1 00:00:05,087 --> 00:00:10,720 Phone Rings (Pal pal har pal) 2 00:00:10,720 --> 00:00:14,303 Radia: Hi. Ganapathy: How are you? 3 00:00:14,303 --> 00:00:32,479 Radia: Law ministry has basically issued a statement saying that he's not been approached by anybody. And, it is clarified that as on date no reference has been received by this department on the issue of either ministry of petroleum or other ministry...the department has not expressed any view on the matter after the Monday High Court judgment on this issue. 4 00:00:32,479 --> 00:00:53,728 Radia: What's your email ID Ganu now? What is the new ID? Ganapathy: I think we can now use the normal ID which is [ganapathy05@gmail.com]. (Spells it out). 5 00:00:53,728 --> 00:01:03,968 Radia: Okay. I'll just keep on forwarding you these as I get. Ganapathy: Sure. And if I touch base with Azhagiri? 6 00:01:03,968 --> 00:01:12,160 Radia: Azhagiri, you should talk to him, no? Ganapathy: Just in case, you know, if I need to speak to him or something.. 7 00:01:12,160 --> 00:01:21,120 Radia: Let me know. If you need anything, if you need to be introduced, I will just tell him. Ganapathy: Sure. I can speak to him in his own language, and .. 8 00:01:21,120 --> 00:01:31,360 Radia: That will be much easier for him also. Ganapathy: Yeah. I am sure he will definitely have a role to play in this na? Entire business of uh... 9 00:01:31,360 --> 00:01:44,928 Ganapathy: Since fertilizer units are involved and all that.. so, allocation etc.. Radia: Correct. He has got a view in any case on this issue. 10 00:01:44,928 --> 00:02:00,800 Ganapathy: Because I am not very sure about this Chaturvedi. What he does or doesn't do.. but this one.. we will have a final say you know.. in case of any dispute or anything he will be the one who will be deciding. 11 00:02:00,800 --> 00:02:13,087 Radia: Anyway the Prime Minister is going to have a final say. It's like the airport, exactly what happened in the airport, this is something that I don't think Murli or anyone...this way the Prime Minister is going to turn on and say, 'What the hell is going on? I'm not running a banana republic!' 12 00:02:13,087 --> 00:02:25,631 Ganapathy: In that case I don't think nobody will have any major this thing to do. Radia: Yeah. That is exactly like what happened. And what I am saying, between you and me.. because you and I were both involved in the airport case... 13 00:02:25,631 --> 00:02:41,248 Radia: You know, between you and me, I see every clear direction coming in from the Prime Minister. Maybe the Petroleum Ministry is gonna have to react, because of the Nodal Ministry that has to file the case, but ultimately they have a very clear direction on this one. 14 00:02:41,248 --> 00:02:58,399 Radia: Anil's been running around apparently trying to get AGMs appointed. And the government feels that you know, what nonsense is this? So they are not moving into that.. because I don't think there will be any such.. there will be issues before other things. 15 00:02:58,399 --> 00:03:10,687 Radia: Like you said yesterday, yeah. Not for this issue. They are very clear that nobody- no Mukesh Ambani, no High Court has jurisdiction over national assets. 16 00:03:10,687 --> 00:03:22,720 Radia: That's the domain of the government. Ganapathy: But the other 40 that has to be decided na? The other 40 has to be decided, then allocation business if there is anything remaining, that needs to be decided.. 17 00:03:22,720 --> 00:03:30,143 Radia: Obviously the requests are there, so 60 plus .. government is already na .. they are not going to end up paying huge subsidy bills, like I told you earlier today. 18 00:03:30,143 --> 00:03:58,304 Ganapathy: That I will... that you know, next (indiscernible) - 2G and this one...I will do that. I've already told these people. See, today - the moment you told me, we immediately started you know, running and putting it on our TV channel. And I immediately told Supriya to get ready and speak about it. So immediately that was done and in the meanwhile, we had written all that needs to be written. 19 00:03:58,304 --> 00:04:12,127 Ganapathy: Once the direction is set, we are putting it on the TV screen. And then we write it. So it happens very quickly. But, today this Chalasani guy was also trying to act very smart. You know, trying .. 20 00:04:12,127 --> 00:04:27,231 Radia: He is saying that there is...he is saying that the High Court judgment and such such has already covered that but you know, that is fine. High Court judgment can say whatever he likes, but we say there is no clarity because, as far as we are concerned, they are answerable to the government. 21 00:04:27,231 --> 00:04:43,872 Ganapathy: And Dev and (inaudible) were jumping. I think they were probably you know, sort of, given some direction by Avi. But in the end we told them ki (that) this is the first time that RIL is reacting. So, that should be given more play. That will be done, don't worry. And I have told them also to put.. 22 00:04:43,872 --> 00:04:46,432 Radia: Why was Dev and (inaudible) jumping? 23 00:04:46,432 --> 00:05:03,583 Ganapathy: They wanted that RNRL award, that Chalasani was saying that should be you know, sort of, the way they had reacted then all that. So, that kind of feeling they wanted to give. But he told them very clearly that everything is already, all the details are with us. 24 00:05:03,583 --> 00:05:16,895 Ganapathy: This is only a response, so let's play this big and then include that. So finally somebody is sitting and you know...working on these two issues and making it into one report. 25 00:05:16,895 --> 00:05:27,647 Ganapathy: I have told them what to do. Whatever these important points are, that were in that little mail, those will be taken in detail - no problem at all. 26 00:05:27,647 --> 00:05:36,367 Radia: You have got that na? That 3, 5.. two plots I gave you na? Ganapathy: Yeah yeah. Radia: Great. 27 00:05:36,367 --> 00:05:40,525 Radia:Ganu, it's Ganapathy na? G-A-N-A na? Ganapathy: Yeah N-A. Radia: Okay I got that, okay just sending - (Tape ends)