1 00:00:04,831 --> 00:00:17,888 Phone Rings (Pal, pal, har pal) 2 00:00:17,888 --> 00:00:21,215 Niira Radia: Ganu hi .... G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Hi ...(inaudible utterance) 3 00:00:21,215 --> 00:00:32,223 Niira Radia: Got details from Manoj on the points that these people had raised? G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Yeah, yeah, yeah.. in fact in between I spoke to Rohit Niira Radia: Uh huh.. 4 00:00:32,223 --> 00:00:49,376 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: So I think.. Manoj and Rohit were trying to speak to each other, so I got the details... so... done that...so you would've seen part of it but much more detail work is for the reading.... And not for the (inaudible) 5 00:00:49,376 --> 00:00:55,776 Niira Radia: Ok ... but is there a ...Is there a print one for tomorrow? G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Yeah, yeah! Yes, yes, yes! 6 00:00:55,776 --> 00:01:00,128 Niira Radia: Huh? G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Yes yes yes! Niira Radia: But our point of view is there that.. 7 00:01:00,128 --> 00:01:17,279 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Absolutely, absolutely.... In detail and all this.... But I think this Chalsani has also jumped into action.... and were trying to tell people that there is some response that he has got.. three para C 316 , 319 blah blah something something 8 00:01:17,279 --> 00:01:23,936 Niira Radia: We've given a response to that G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Ok, oh... the next step also? Niira Radia: Yeah 9 00:01:23,936 --> 00:01:28,288 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Ok Niira Radia: Who is writing the story? 10 00:01:28,288 --> 00:01:38,271 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: The initial part I have already done.... But .. Niira Radia: Including the 314 and 316 and all that? 11 00:01:38,271 --> 00:01:46,720 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Ah no... this is about the 3 issues requiring government approvalĀ  Niira Radia: Hmmm.. 12 00:01:46,720 --> 00:01:54,912 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: And.. that nothing can be done without a government approval and how this is in line with what the fertilizer secretary has said earlier 13 00:01:54,912 --> 00:02:12,063 Niira Radia: Ah huh G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: And how that little (inaudible) on the litigation and... how these things are controlled by the mother agreement... which is approved by the government. 14 00:02:12,063 --> 00:02:18,463 Niira Radia: Uh huh.. G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: So that.. Niira Radia: So these people... But these people.. will they change it? 15 00:02:18,463 --> 00:02:29,215 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam:No they will not change it.. They...what they are supposed to do is to add the bit about what this fellow is saying... Chalsani is saying 16 00:02:29,215 --> 00:02:31,519 Niira Radia: Umm.... But we've also responded to that. 17 00:02:31,519 --> 00:02:40,478 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Yeah... umm... that also I'll tell them to add so...but... what is the response to this 316 and uh 319 that they should take note of? 18 00:02:40,478 --> 00:02:43,039 Niira Radia: Para 311 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Yeah 19 00:02:43,039 --> 00:02:52,000 Niira Radia: That the contract of such nature is subject to the approval of government in view of any LP and TAC and such related government policies. 20 00:02:52,000 --> 00:02:56,608 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Huh huh Niira Radia: That is the one line... It's a long clause G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Huh uh 21 00:02:56,608 --> 00:03:00,192 Niira Radia: And... para 316 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Hmm.. 22 00:03:00,192 --> 00:03:17,599 Niira Radia: (inaudible) That the price factor is concerned that the prices at which the fixed supply of gas is required to be supplied to REL subject to and under the terms of the PAC which RIL entered into with ministry of petroleum on 12th April, 2000 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Hmmm.. 23 00:03:17,599 --> 00:03:21,183 Niira Radia: That was the judgment itself G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Ok 24 00:03:21,183 --> 00:03:28,863 Niira Radia: Para 311 is contract is subject to approval of the government in view of any LP and TAC G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Yeah 25 00:03:28,863 --> 00:03:40,127 Niira Radia: And para 316 refers to the TSC that (sic) entered into on the 12th of April and.....uh.... price will be a factor which will be subject to that approval 26 00:03:40,127 --> 00:03:48,832 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Ok great... so..( laughs)... the same para.. (laughs) again figures in both the arguments ... hai na? Niira Radia: Yeah 27 00:03:48,832 --> 00:04:02,655 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: 316... Haan to that's fine I think these things are bound to be there..... Achchha what is the other thing about some penalty...and whatever this one was saying... Jaipalwas saying.... 28 00:04:02,655 --> 00:04:12,383 Niira Radia: You see... he's... I saw that on your ticker I think you people are saying that the government may ... G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: ...Penalize... or whatever 29 00:04:12,383 --> 00:04:18,272 Niira Radia: (inaudible) ...Penalty on us for having signed the MoU in the first place G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Hmmm 30 00:04:18,272 --> 00:04:25,440 Niira Radia: Because we were not... we can not find a penal.... sign an MoU which asset doesn't belong to us, naa, effectively G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Yeah 31 00:04:25,440 --> 00:04:29,535 Niira Radia: How can we give gas that doesn't belong to us? G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Ok 32 00:04:29,535 --> 00:04:38,751 Niira Radia: But I would not think they'll give me a ..give us a penalty... I think ..... uh... they will rap us.. rap us on our knuckles by saying: Why did you do this? G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Ok.. so.. 33 00:04:38,751 --> 00:04:49,503 Niira Radia: But I have a feeling that the government is going to tell Mukesh Ambani: Who were you to sign this agreement?... It didn't belong to you G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Ok.. yeah but...uh 34 00:04:49,503 --> 00:04:52,320 Niira Radia: (inaudible) By the way Amar Singh has come back.. G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Oh, my god! 35 00:04:52,320 --> 00:05:00,511 Niira Radia: Because Anil has not been able to get the EGoMs appointed... He's been running around prime minister and nobody is giving him time G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Huh uh 36 00:05:00,511 --> 00:05:12,544 Niira Radia: Amar Singh has come back and the excuse he is giving is that he's come back for nine days to do his will and all that and that he will be going back on the 9th of July G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Ooh 37 00:05:12,544 --> 00:05:18,687 Niira Radia: (inaudible)... he couldn't do... it couldn't do his transplant because he had high blood sugar G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Haan haan 38 00:05:18,687 --> 00:05:22,015 Niira Radia: His bloodplant... his transplant didn't happen G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Haan haan 39 00:05:22,015 --> 00:05:30,975 Niira Radia: Sooo... Anil has called him back to help him with the Prime Minister's inter... intervention but I don't expect Prime Minister to intervene 40 00:05:30,975 --> 00:05:42,496 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: But does his health permit him to travel and all? .. I thought... Niira Radia: (unclear) Anil Ambani's private jet ... he came G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Oh ! 41 00:05:42,496 --> 00:05:55,040 Niira Radia: Full medical care...with full medical care and all that G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Ok fine I'll.. I'll tell this to the people concerned Niira Radia: Yeah, he came back today 42 00:05:55,040 --> 00:06:02,975 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Meanwhile there is some funny thing about Raja... you know.. did you read that .. you know.. Times of India report today? Niira Radia: Yeah! Is that Raja? Is the minister is it? 43 00:06:02,975 --> 00:06:13,727 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Yeah.. so they are saying that now the Chief Justice of India and others want this to be taken seriously. You know... at least earlier ...that you know we had this Bhardwaj [as law minister] ... 44 00:06:13,727 --> 00:06:27,552 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Bhardwaj used to.. you know.. deal with him differently.... But now you know with Moily ... he will just not.. you know.. take any chances.... And they it seems... they want the prime minister to pull him up 45 00:06:27,552 --> 00:06:37,023 Niira Radia: But what has happened exactly?.... The Raja asked the high court to do something.. is it? I didn't read the (unclear) 46 00:06:37,023 --> 00:06:46,239 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: To say that you know ... the to give him whatever you know.. (unclear) the benefit of doubt in that case or whatever... 47 00:06:46,239 --> 00:06:56,735 Niira Radia: Good God.... And what was the case about ? G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: That's what they are saying that its linked to Spectrum and all (inaudible 2 seconds) Niira Radia: Is it? 48 00:06:56,735 --> 00:07:10,048 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Yeah .. I am not sure... This is all supposed to happening in that... Chennai ..(inaudible).. so I ... I have.. Niira Radia: Why would the Spectrum case be up in Chennai? ... It would never come up in Chennai 49 00:07:10,048 --> 00:07:20,031 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: I don't know ... maybe some litigant.. somebody planted some thing... Niira Radia: (unclear) ....Said he wanted him to be released on anticipatory bail ! That's what I'm reading now 50 00:07:20,031 --> 00:07:27,967 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: That is, that is ..what the judge... the judge had said.. He should be given an anticipatory bail Niira Radia: Hmm.. 51 00:07:27,967 --> 00:07:35,135 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: so I don't know whether this is the handiwork of somebody there or ... Niira Radia: Must be Maran only no ? 52 00:07:35,135 --> 00:07:48,447 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Possible! In fact the first suspicion is that... so .. But first of all .. I mean.. Would ..somebody be ... you know.. so stupid enough to make a call and all .. I am wondering now! 53 00:07:48,447 --> 00:07:58,944 Niira Radia: I don't think so! Must be ..uh.. the only person this can be is.. Your..this one.. Anbumani G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Ok... oh... he could be ? 54 00:07:58,944 --> 00:08:05,855 Niira Radia: Yeah I think it could be Anbumani G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Ooh kk... anyway.... I thought those people were down and out 55 00:08:05,855 --> 00:08:08,928 Niira Radia: But this was in last government naa? G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Oh 56 00:08:08,928 --> 00:08:11,231 Niira Radia: Not in this current government na? G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Haan haan haan.. 57 00:08:11,231 --> 00:08:17,376 Niira Radia: No, no... it is in this government ... yeah yeah it's in this government... then to it must be only one of these fellows G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Hmmm 58 00:08:17,376 --> 00:08:23,264 Niira Radia: Lemme find out from my DMK friends... I've been so busy with gas I haven't been able to check up... lemme find out with these guys what it is 59 00:08:23,264 --> 00:08:36,831 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Yeah yeah.... After the budget I thought someday we should .... You know.. I should go and see Kani ... you know on the ... good suggestions that she is making.. yeah 60 00:08:36,831 --> 00:08:40,159 Niira Radia: yeah... I'll I'll ...I'll set up your meeting with her G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Sure 61 00:08:40,159 --> 00:08:48,607 Niira Radia: She is back in ...uh... Delhi on... uhhh... second G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Ok great. ..yeah yeah that's right that session ....session is starting na so .. 62 00:08:48,607 --> 00:08:55,520 Niira Radia: Yeah... so you go and meet her naa G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Sure Sure... I will do that ..... when you advice I'll do that Niira Radia: You tell me ...I'll set up a time for you 63 00:08:55,520 --> 00:09:03,455 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Preferably after budget will be much more you know... these three four days will be quite hectic... after that... Niira Radia: Fair enough 64 00:09:03,455 --> 00:09:03,711 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: ...After that it'll be absolutely ok... haan Niira Radia: Fair enough 65 00:09:03,711 --> 00:09:08,063 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: Next day... Wednesday ....whenever I mean...uh.. that's not a problem Niira Radia: (inaudible interrupted utterance) 66 00:09:08,063 --> 00:09:16,255 G. Ganapathy Subramaniam: There is one more thing I want... ok this Profit [NDTV Profit] had run something saying ... Supreme court today or whatever 67 00:09:16,255 --> 00:09:24,377 Niira Radia: Everyday they run something ....uhhh you know... every day they run something ... Seriously even we've not taken a decision .... Everyday they run something...