url-shortener ============= This is URL shortening application using the Django framework The shortened URLs use the base 62 value of ids of the model they are stored in. A count of how many times the URLs are used is kept. The main page shows the 10 most recent and 10 most popular URLs. Prerequisites ============= Download Blueprint from: http://www.blueprintcss.org/ Copy the "blueprint" folder into static/css/ (which you may need to create) Note that in a production installation, you'll want to have your web server serve the "static" folder instead of letting Django serve it. Settings ======== The following values need to be set in settings.py: SITE_NAME The name of the site (e.g. 'urlshorteningsite.com') SITE_BASE_URL The base URL of the site. This can be based on the SITE_NAME: SITE_BASE_URL = 'http://' + SITE_NAME + '/' REQUIRE_LOGIN Set REQUIRE_LOGIN to True if you want to require that a user be logged in to be able to submit a URL to be shortened. Set it to False if you do not want to require login to submit a URL.