from settings import username, password, url import ox import json import codecs from urllib.request import urlopen import csv api = ox.api.API(url) user = api.signin({'username': username, 'password': password}) if 'errors' in user['data']: print("Authentication Failed!") def exportTranslations(): response = api.findTranslations({ "keys": ["key", "value", "id"], "query": { "conditions": [], "operator": "&" }, "range": [0, 2000], "sort": [{ "key": "key", "operator": "+" }] }) with open('translations.csv', 'w') as csvfile: fieldnames = ['id', 'key', 'value'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() for item in response['data']['items']: del item['lang'] writer.writerow(item) def titleContains(string): return api.find({ 'sort': [{ 'key': 'title', 'operator': '+' }], 'query': { 'conditions': [ { 'key': 'title', 'value': string, 'operator': '' } ], 'operator': '&' }, 'keys': ['id', 'title'] }) def getIdFromTitle(string): result = api.find({ 'sort': [{ 'key': 'title', 'operator': '+' }], 'query': { 'conditions': [ { 'key': 'title', 'value': string, 'operator': '=' } ], 'operator': '&' }, 'keys': ['id', 'title'] }) items = result['data']['items'] if (len(items) > 1): raise Exception("more than 1 item matches title") elif (len(items) == 0): return None else: return items[0]['id'] def addFeaturedPerson(id, person): result = api.get({'id': id, 'keys': 'featured'}) featured = result['data']['featured'] if person in featured: return else: featured.append(person) return api.edit({ 'id': id, 'featured': featured }) def dumpUnknownPlaces(): result = api.findPlaces({ "query": { "conditions": [{ 'key': 'lat', 'value': None, 'operator': '=' }], "operator": "" }, "keys": [ "id", "countryCode", "type", "name", "alternativeNames", "lat", "lng", "area", "area", "geoname", "matches", "matches" ], "range": [ 0, 5000 ], "sort": [ { "key": "geoname", "operator": "+" } ] }) out ="unknownplaces.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") json.dump(result['data']['items'], out) out.close() return result def replacePlaceNames(old, new, operator="", start=0, end=100): matchedPlaces = findAnnotations(old, 'places', operator, start, end) logFile = open("replacedPlacesLog.txt", "a") ret = [] for m in matchedPlaces: value = m['value'] new_value = value.replace(old, new).strip() if new_value == '': log = "EMPTY VALUE: %s" % m['id'] logFile.write(log) print(log) continue ret.append(api.editAnnotation({ 'id': m['id'], 'in': m['in'], 'out': m['out'], 'value': new_value })) log = "%s| %s| %s" % (m['id'], value, new_value,) logFile.write(log + "\n") print(log) logFile.close() return ret def findAnnotations(value, layer, operator="", start=0, end=500): result = api.findAnnotations({ 'query': { 'conditions': [ { 'key': 'layer', 'value': layer, 'operator': '=' }, { 'key': 'value', 'value': value, 'operator': operator } ], 'operator': '&' }, 'keys': [], 'range': [start, end] }) return result['data']['items'] def dumpKnownPlaces(): result = api.findPlaces({ "query": { "conditions": [{ 'key': 'lat', 'value': None, 'operator': '!' }], "operator": "" }, "keys": [ "id", "countryCode", "type", "name", "alternativeNames", "lat", "lng", "area", "area", "geoname", "matches", "matches" ], "range": [ 0, 5000 ], "sort": [ { "key": "geoname", "operator": "+" } ] }) out ="knownplaces.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") json.dump(result['data']['items'], out) out.close() return result #def replaceAnnotation(track, old, new): def getTranscriptsForList(listId='sanj:spaces of theatre'): result = api.find({ 'sort': [{ 'key': 'title', 'operator': '+' }], 'query': { 'conditions': [ { 'key': 'list', 'value': listId, 'operator': '' } ], 'operator': '&' }, 'keys': ['id', 'title'] }) items = [{'id': item['id'], 'title': item['title']} for item in result['data']['items']] outfolder = "out" for i in items: print(i['title']) savePath = "%s/%s_%s.txt" % (outfolder, i['id'], i['title']) transcript_url = '' % i['id'] txt = urlopen(transcript_url).read() outfile = open(savePath, "w") outfile.write(txt) outfile.close() def getIds(result): return [ for item in result['data']['items']]