/* Padma Playlist - Pass it a jquery object - it will find all a elements within it which are padma links and make them a playlist eg. var playlist = new PadmaPlaylist($(' */ (function($) { var PadmaPlaylist = window.PadmaPlaylist = function(jq) { this.videos = []; this.elements = []; this.position = 0; this.len = function() { return this.elements.length }; this.jq = jq; this.init(); }; PadmaPlaylist.prototype.init = function() { var that = this; var i = 0; $('a', that.jq).each(function() { var t = $(this); var href = t.attr("href"); if (href.indexOf(padmaConfig.links_url) != -1) { that.elements.push(t); t.data("playlist", that); t.data("inPlaylist", true); t.data("playlistPosition", i); t.click(function() { var playlist = $(this).data("playlist"); var position = $(this).data("playlistPosition"); playlist.position = position; }); i++; } }); }; PadmaPlaylist.prototype.next = function() { var pos = this.position; if (pos < (this.len() - 1)) { var nextElem = this.elements[pos + 1]; nextElem.click(); } }; PadmaPlaylist.prototype.previous = function() { var pos = this.position; if (pos > 0) { var prevElem = this.elements[pos - 1]; prevElem.click(); } }; })(jQuery);