2011-08-13 18:12:40 +05:30

681 lines
21 KiB

// Find buses between start and destination stop
// Parameters: s - startstopnameid to d - deststopnameid
var dBugLvl = 3;
var WALKDIST = 1000; // Find stops within 1 km radius
var NEARLATLON = 0.01;
var CHECKSTOPS = 40;
var stopLines;
var stopBusLines;
var busMaster;
var oStartStop, oDestStop; // The stopbus info for start and dest
var startStopArea, destStopArea;
var arBusesFound = [];
var sAr, dAr; // Array of stops near start and destination
$(document).ready(function() {
// var XMLFileSupport = CheckXMLHttpFile();
function busesfoundinit() {
scrollTo(0, 0);
s = gup('s');
d = gup('d');
if(s === "" && d === "") {
s = getCookie('cStartStopNameId');
d = getCookie('cDestStopNameId');
if(d === "") {
alert('No Buses Found as yet. Select from the Find Bus tab');
window.location.href = "index.html";
startStopNameId = s;
destStopNameId = d;
dBug('', ' s = ' + s + ', d = ' + d, 5);
stopBusLines = getStopBusList();
busMaster = getbusmaster();
var sStopSs = findStopId(startStopNameId).stopsrchstr;
var dStopSs = findStopId(destStopNameId).stopsrchstr;
var htmlTitle = sStopSs.stopsrchstr + ' <br>' + dStopSs;
var dirHdr = "<table class='tbl_color' id='directbuses'><tr><th>Stop name</th><th>Buses (frequency)</th></tr>";
var dirHdrClose = '</table>';
var htmlBody = '';
var dHTML = '', nHTML = '', cHTML = '';
if(startStopNameId !== '') { // start not empty, find near stops, needed for all
rAr = getStopsNear(startStopNameId);
if(rAr !== null) {
sAr = rAr.startStops;
oStartStop = rAr.stopInfo;
document.getElementById("foundBusFrom").innertHTML = sStopSs;
if(destStopNameId !== '') { // dest not empty, find near stops
rAr = getStopsNear(destStopNameId);
dAr = rAr.startStops;
oDestStop = rAr.stopInfo;
var el = "To: " + dStopSs;
document.getElementById("foundBusTo").innertHTML = el;
if(startStopNameId === '' && destStopNameId !== '') { // start is blank so stops at destination
htmlTitle = 'Buses at and near destination: ' + dStopSs;
// document.getElementById("foundBusTitle").innerHTML = dStopSs;
htmlStart = stopsNear(destStopNameId);
htmlBody = htmlStart;
else if(startStopNameId !== '' && destStopNameId === '') {
htmlTitle = 'Buses at and near start: ' + sStopSs;
htmlDest = stopsNear(startStopNameId);
htmlBody = dirHdr + htmlDest + dirHdrClose;
else {
var rtDb = [0, ''];
var rtNb = [0, ''];
rtDb = getDirectBuses(oStartStop, oDestStop);
dHTML = '';
if(rtDb != undefined) {
dHTML = rtDb[1];
dHTML = '<div class="hilite"> No Direct buses found</div>';
if(rtDb[0] < 3) {
rtNb = getNearBuses(startStopNameId, destStopNameId);
nHTML = rtNb[1];
if(!rtDb[0]) // no message if we found direct buses
nHTML = '<div class="hilite"> No buses from nearby stops</div>';
cHTML = '';
if(arBusesFound.length < 1) {
// if(rtDb[0]< 3 && rtNb[0] < 3) {
rtCb = conxions(startStopNameId, destStopNameId);
if(rtCb !== null && rtCb[0])
cHTML = rtCb[1];
if(rtCb === null || !rtCb[0]) // no message if we found direct buses
cHTML = '<div class="hilite"> No bus connections</div>';
/* if(cHTML != "")
fndBus = fndBus + "<br>" + cHTML
fndBus = fndBus + "<div id='notfound'>" + "No Connections found" + '</div>'; */
// var dirHdr = '', dirHdrClose = '';
if((rtDb == undefined || rtDb[0] === 0) && rtNb[0] === 0) {
dirHdr = "";
dirHdrClose = '';
htmlBody = dirHdr + dHTML + nHTML + dirHdrClose + cHTML;
// document.getElementById("foundBusTitle").innerHTML = htmlTitle;
if (startStopNameId != "")
if ( destStopNameId != "" )
document.getElementById("foundBusFrom").innerHTML = "From: " + sStopSs;
document.getElementById("foundBusFrom").innerHTML = "Buses at and near: " + sStopSs;
if(destStopNameId != "")
document.getElementById("foundBusTo").innerHTML = "To: " + dStopSs;
document.getElementById("foundBusTo").innerHTML = ""; // No dest provided, blank it
if(htmlBody == "")
htmlBody = "<br>No buses found<br>";
document.getElementById("directBuses").innerHTML = htmlBody;
addRecentBusesFound({'busesFrom':sStopSs, 'busesTo':dStopSs, 'busHtml':htmlBody});
// Buses from exact start to dest
function getDirectBuses(oStartStop, oDestStop) {
dBug('getDirectBuses', 'start', 5);
// directBuses = "";
var nDirectBuses = 0;
rAr = directBus(oStartStop, oDestStop);
if(rAr === null)
return null;
nDirectBuses = rAr[0];
sDirectBuses = rAr[1];
dBug('getDirectBuses', nDirectBuses + ', Start: ' + oStartStop.searchstr + ', Dest: ' + oDestStop, 5);
// dirHdr = "<tr><th>Stop name</th><th>Buses</th></tr>";
// sDirectBuses = "<table id='directbuses'>" + dirHdr + "<tr><td>Direct Buses (" +
// nDirectBuses + ") </td><td>" + sDirectBuses + "</td></tr>";
sDirectBuses = "<tr><td>Direct Buses (" +
nDirectBuses + ") </td><td>" + sDirectBuses + "</td></tr>";
fndBusDirect = sDirectBuses;
fndBusDirect = "<div id='notfound'>No direct buses found</div>";
fndBus = fndBusDirect;
for(var x=0; x<nDirectBuses; x++)
arBusesFound[arBusesFound.length] = rAr[2][x][0];
return [nDirectBuses, fndBusDirect];
function getNearBuses(startStop, destStop) {
// Get the lat, lon of the current stop
var STOPLAT = 1;
var STOPLON = 2;
var startStopIdx = 0;
var destStopIdx = 0;
var x = 0;
// Now find stops near start to stops near destination
// Check for 10 stops before and after since our stops are ordered by lat lon
// Also within 111 m, 0.001, max 5 stops;
DIIDX = 0;
// Check for near buses from near start to near dest
var sNearBuses = "";
var nNearBuses = 0;
var arNearBuses = [];
for(x=0; x < sAr.length; x++) {
for(var y=0; y < dAr.length; y++) {
if(sAr[x][1].stopnameid == oStartStop.stopnameid && dAr[y][1].stopnameid == oDestStop)
rAr = directBus(sAr[x][1], dAr[y][1]);
if(rAr[0] === 0) // No direct buses found, go to the next one
// If the bus in any of the direct buses, skip it
bFound = false;
for(a=0; a<rAr[2].length; a++)
bFound = checkFoundB4(rAr[2][a][STOPIDX]);
nNearBuses = rAr[0];
sBuses = rAr[1];
distStartStop = sAr[x][DIIDX];
distDestStop = dAr[y][DIIDX];
s = distStartStop > 0 ? distStartStop : 0;
d = distDestStop > 0 ? distDestStop : 0;
if(nNearBuses) {
startSearchStr = sAr[x][1].searchstr;
destSearchStr = dAr[y][1].searchstr;
if(startStop == sAr[x][STOPIDX])
arNearBuses[arNearBuses.length] = [d, '', destSearchStr,
sBuses, nNearBuses, rAr[2]];
// sNearBuses = sNearBuses + '<tr><td>To ' + destSearchStr +
// ' (' + nNearBuses + ') </td><td>' + sBuses + '</td></tr>';
else if(destStop == dAr[y][STOPIDX])
arNearBuses[arNearBuses.length] = [s, startSearchStr, '',
sBuses, nNearBuses, rAr[2]];
// sNearBuses = sNearBuses + '<tr><td>From : ' + startSearchStr +
// ' (' + nNearBuses + ') </td><td>' + sBuses + '</td></tr>';
else {
var combDist = '';
if( distStartStop > 0 || distDestStop > 0) {
s = distStartStop > 0 ? distStartStop : 0;
d = distDestStop > 0 ? distDestStop : 0;
// combDist = '(' + distFormat(s + d) + ')';
arNearBuses[arNearBuses.length] = [s+d, startSearchStr, destSearchStr,
sBuses, nNearBuses, rAr[2]];
sNearBuses = '';
// busesDone = [];
sComma = '';
sBus = '';
nNearBuses = 0;
for(x=0; x<arNearBuses.length; x++) {
// build string of buses not displayed before - leave out buses already found
nearBusList = arNearBuses[x][5];
var busFound = false;
var busesFoundInRow = 0;
for(var a=0; a<nearBusList.length; a++) {
busFound = false;
for(var b=0; b<arBusesFound.length; b++) {
if(arBusesFound[b] == nearBusList[a][0]) {
busFound = true;
if(!busFound) {
url = 'journey.html?b=' + nearBusList[a][0] + '&s=' + nearBusList[a][1] + '&d=' + nearBusList[a][1] + '"> ' + nearBusList[a][0];
sBus = sBus + sComma + '<a rel="external" href="javascript:window.location.href=' + url + '"> ' + nearBusList[a][0] + "</a>" ;
arBusesFound[arBusesFound.length] = nearBusList[a][0];
sComma = ', ';
if(busesFoundInRow < nearBusList.length) {
sNearBuses = sNearBuses + '<tr><td>' + (arNearBuses[x][1] !== "" ? 'From: ' + arNearBuses[x][1] : "");
sNearBuses = sNearBuses + (arNearBuses[x][2] !== "" ? ' To: ' + arNearBuses[x][2] : "") + ' (' + arNearBuses[x][4] + ') - ' + distFormat(arNearBuses[x][0]) + '</td><td>' + arNearBuses[x][3] + '</td></tr>';
if(arBusesFound.length >= MAXBUSESTOSHOW)
/* if(!nDirectBuses)
sNearBuses = "<table id='directbuses'>" + "<tr><th>Stop name</th><th>Buses</th></tr>"
+ sNearBuses;
if(nNearBuses) {
fndBus = fndBus + "<tr><td><h3>From stops near you:</h3></td></tr>";
fndBus = fndBus + sNearBuses;
fndBus = fndBus + "<div id='notfound'>No near buses found</div>";
// No direct or near buses found, look for connections
return [nNearBuses, sNearBuses];
function directBus(oSStop, oDStop) {
if(oSStop === undefined || oDStop === undefined)
return null;
dBug("directBus", "start", 5);
var sDirectBus = '';
var nDirectBus = 0;
var startBuses = '';
var destBuses = '';
var x = 0;
// Get the buses at the start and destination stops
arStartBus = oSStop.busList.split(", ");
arDestBus = oDStop.busList.split(", ");
sComma = "";
var retArray = [];
var dBus = [];
for(x=0; x < arStartBus.length; x++) {
sb = arStartBus[x].split("|");
for(var y=0; y < arDestBus.length; y++) {
db = arDestBus[y].split("|");
if(sb[0] == db[0]) {
busInfo = getBusInfo(sb[0]);
busfreq = "";
if(busInfo != undefined && busInfo.frequency !="")
busfreq = "&nbsp;(&nbsp;" + busInfo.frequency + "&nbsp;mins)";
url = 'journey.html?b=' + sb[0] + '&s=' + sb[1] + '&d=' + db[1];
url = '#';
sDirectBus = sDirectBus + sComma + buildUrl(sb[0], sb[1], db[1]);
sComma = ", &nbsp;";
dBus[dBus.length] = [sb[0], sb[1], db[1]];
retArray = [nDirectBus, sDirectBus, dBus];
return retArray;
// Find connections - change bus at one point between start and destination
function conxions(startStop, destStop) {
if(startStop == undefined || destStop == undefined)
return null;
var AREA = 0;
var SEARCHSTR = 2;
var LAT = 3;
var LON = 4;
var BUSLIST = 5;
var MAXROUTES = 5;
var commonBus = new Array();
// var sCB = new Array();
// var dCB = new Array();
var arBestDist = [];
var areas = getAreas();
var startBuses = '';
var destBuses = '';
var htmCommonStops = "";
// first get the stop info
if(oStartStop == undefined || oDestStop == undefined)
return null;
startBuses = oStartStop.busList;
destBuses = oDestStop.busList;
var startAreaLat = 0; var startAreaLon = 0; var destAreaLat = 0; var destAreaLon = 0;
for(var i=0; i<areas.length; i++) {
if(oStartStop.area == areas[i][0]) {
startAreaLat = areas[i][1];
startAreaLon = areas[i][2];
if(oDestStop.area == areas[i][0]) {
destAreaLat = areas[i][1];
destAreaLon = areas[i][2];
nwLat = startAreaLat; nwLon = startAreaLon; seLat = destAreaLat; seLon = destAreaLon;
if( startAreaLat < destAreaLat ) {
nwLat = destAreaLat;
seLat = startAreaLat;
if( startAreaLon > destAreaLon) {
nwLon = destAreaLon;
seLon = startAreaLon;
arStartBuses = startBuses.split(", ");
arDestBuses = destBuses.split(", ");
var commonStops = [];
bStartFound = false;
bDestFound = false;
br = "<br>";
var n = 1;
curStop = "";
curSb = ""; curDb = "";
for(x=0; x < stopBusLines.length; x++) {
// dBug('conxion: ', 'checking common stops - ' + x, 5);
if(stopBusLines[x] !== "") {
ar = stopBusLines[x]; // ["138048", "10throad", "[Chembur W] 10Th Road", "8 L|34, 19 L|29, 92 L|48, 355 L|14, 362|2, 364|17"]
// Check whether the area of this stop is within the square start and dest
if(ar[LAT] > nwLat || ar[LON] > seLon || ar[LAT] < seLat || ar[LON] < nwLon)
sCb = ""; dCb = "";// Source and dest common buses
buses = ar[BUSLIST].split(", "); // ["8 L|34", "19 L|29", "92 L|48" ....]
// check if the stop has a bus in start and a bus in destination
bStartFound = false; bDestFound = false;
sCb = ''; sComma = ""; dCb = ''; dComma = "";
for(var c=0; c<buses.length;c++) {
bus = buses[c].split('|');
for(var y=0; y<arStartBuses.length; y++) {
sb = arStartBuses[y].split("|"); // ["A 70 Exp AC Exp", "13"] - bus, stopno.
if(bus[0] == sb[0] && !checkFoundB4(sb[0])) {// start bus found, check if dest bus there
bStartFound = true;
busInfo = getBusInfo(sb[0]);
busfreq = "";
if(busInfo.frequency != undefined)
busfreq = "&nbsp;(&nbsp;" + busInfo.frequency + "&nbsp;mins)";
sCb = sCb + sComma + '<a rel="external" href="journey.html?b=' + sb[0] +
'&s=' + sb[1] + '&d=' + bus[1] + '"> ' + sb[0] + busfreq + "</a>";
sComma = ", ";
for(var z=0; z<arDestBuses.length; z++) {
db = arDestBuses[z].split('|');
if(bus[0] == db[0]) {
bDestFound = true;
busInfo = getBusInfo(sb[0]);
busfreq = "";
if(busInfo.frequency != undefined)
busfreq = " ( " + busInfo.frequency + " mins)";
dCb = dCb + dComma + '<a rel="external" href="journey.html?b=' + db[0] +'&s=' + bus[1] + '&d=' + db[1] + '"> ' + db[0] + busfreq + "</a>";
// dCb = dCb + dComma + db;
dComma = ", ";
if(bStartFound && bDestFound) {
dBug('conxions: ', 'Found stop', 5);
var csLat = 0; var csLon = 0; var diStart = -1, diDest = -1;
for(i=0; i<areas.length; i++) {
if(ar[AREA] == areas[i][0]) {
csLat = areas[i][1];
csLon = areas[i][2];
diStart = distanceLatLon(csLat, csLon, startAreaLat, startAreaLon);
diDest = distanceLatLon(csLat, csLon, destAreaLat, destAreaLon);
combDist = -1;
if(diStart > 0 && diDest > 0) {
combDist = diStart + diDest;
arBestDist[combDist] =
[ar[STOPNAMEID], ar[SEARCHSTR], sCb, dCb, combDist];
dBug('conxions: ', 'Comb. dist - ' + combDist, 5);
// Check if this bus is in the direct or near buses, if so skip
commonStops[commonStops.length] =
[ar[STOPNAMEID], ar[SEARCHSTR], sCb, dCb, combDist];
dBug('conxions: ', 'found - ' + arBestDist.length, 5);
htmCommonStops = "";
var nStops = 0;
for(y=0; y<arBestDist.length; y++) {
if(arBestDist[y] != undefined) {
htmCommonStops = htmCommonStops + "<tr><td>" + arBestDist[y][1] + " (" + distFormat(arBestDist[y][4]) + ")</td><td>" + arBestDist[y][2] + "</td><td>" + arBestDist[y][3] + "</td><td></tr>";
dBug('conxions', arBestDist[y][1] + " (" + distFormat(arBestDist[y][4]), 5);
if(nStops > MAXROUTES)
if (!nStops) {
for(x=0; x<commonStops.length; x++) {
htmCommonStops = htmCommonStops + "<tr><td>" + commonStops[x][1] + ")</td><td>"
+ commonStops[x][2] + "</td><td>" + commonStops[x][3] + "</td><td></tr>";
htmHdr = "<tr><th>Connecting Stop</th><th>Buses from start</th><th>Buses to Destination</th></tr>";
htmCommonStops = '<table class="tbl_color">' + htmHdr + htmCommonStops + "</table>";
return [nStops, htmCommonStops];
// Check if bus already found
function checkFoundB4(busno) {
if(busno == undefined)
return false;
var bFound = false;
for(b=0; b<arBusesFound.length; b++) {
if(busno.replace(/ /g, '') == arBusesFound[b].replace(/ /g, ''))
bFound = true;
return bFound;
function stopsNear(startStop) {
var STOPLAT = 1;
var STOPLON = 2;
var startStopIdx = 0;
var destStopIdx = 0;
var bStopFound = false;
var rHTML = '';
var arNearStopBuses = [];
for(x=0; x<sAr.length && x < SHOWMAXSTOPS; x++) {
stopInfo = sAr[x][1];
/* if(sAr[x][0] === 0) // Its this stop, so we don't need it
continue; */
sBus = '';
sComma = '';
arStopBus = stopInfo.busList.split(", ");
arBusesAtStop = [];
var nNewBus = 0;
var nBusesAtStop = 0;
for(var y=0; y < arStopBus.length; y++) {
stopbus = arStopBus[y].split("|");
var bBusFound = false;
for(var a=0; a<arNearStopBuses.length; a++) {
if(stopbus[0] == arNearStopBuses[a]) {
bBusFound = true;
if(!bBusFound) {
arNearStopBuses[arNearStopBuses.length] = stopbus[0];
// arBusesAtStop[arBuesesAtStop.length] = stopbus[0];
sBus = sBus + sComma + '<a href="journey.html?b=' + stopbus[0] + '&s=0&d=0"> ' + stopbus[0] + "</a>" ;
sComma = ", &nbsp;";
if(nNewBus) {
rHTML = rHTML + '<tr><td>' + stopInfo.searchstr + ' (' + distFormat(sAr[x][0]) + ')</td><td>';
rHTML = rHTML + sBus + '</td></tr>';
return rHTML;
// Sort the distance, stops array by the shortest distance
function sortDiStop(a, b) {
return ((a[0] < b[0]) ? -1 : ((a[0] > b[0]) ? 1 : 0));
function getStopInfo(stopnameid) {
var oBus = null;
for(x=0; x < stopBusLines.length; x++) {
if(stopBusLines[x] !== "") {
ar = stopBusLines[x];
stopname = ar[1];
if(stopname == stopnameid) {
oBus = {"area":ar[0], "stopnameid":ar[1], "searchstr":ar[2],
"lat":ar[3], "lon":ar[4], "busList":ar[5]};
return oBus;
function getStopsNear(stopNameId) {
var STOPLAT = 1;
var STOPLON = 2;
var startStopIdx = 0;
var destStopIdx = 0;
var bStopFound = false;
oStop = getStopInfo(stopNameId);
if(oStop === null)
return null;
var sAr = [];
for(x=0; x < stopBusLines.length && oStop != null; x++) {
var ar = stopBusLines[x];
if(ar[3] != undefined && ar[4] != undefined) {
if( != undefined && Math.abs( - ar[3]) < NEARLATLON &&
Math.abs(oStop.lon - ar[4]) < NEARLATLON) {
di = distanceLatLon(ar[3], ar[4],, oStop.lon);
if( di < WALKDIST)
sAr[sAr.length] = [di, {"area":ar[0], "stopnameid":ar[1],
"searchstr":ar[2], "lat":ar[3], "lon":ar[4], "busList":ar[5]}];
// Check if source and destination stops are there
// If not prolly because lat lon not there add them
var stopFound = false;
for(x=0; x<sAr.length; x++) {
if(sAr[x][1] == stopNameId) {
stopFound = true;
sAr[sAr.length] = [0, oStop];
return { "startStops":sAr, "stopInfo":oStop };
// Add to the list of recent BusesFound
function addRecentBusesFound(oBusesFound) {
var rs = localStorage['recentBusesFound'];
var recentBusesFoundPrv;
if(rs != null)
recentBusesFoundPrv = JSON.parse(rs);
recentBusesFound = null;
var recentBusesFound = new Array;
recentBusesFound[0] = oBusesFound;
if(recentBusesFoundPrv !== null && recentBusesFoundPrv != undefined) {
for(var i = 0; i < recentBusesFoundPrv.length; i++) {
if(recentBusesFoundPrv[i] === undefined || recentBusesFoundPrv[i] === null)
// check if already in array, else add
alreadyThere = false;
for(var j = 0; j < recentBusesFound.length; j++) {
if(recentBusesFound[j].busHtml === recentBusesFoundPrv[i].busHtml) {
alreadyThere = true;
recentBusesFound[recentBusesFound.length] = recentBusesFoundPrv[i];
function showRecentBusesFound() {
if(localStorage['recentBusesFound'] === undefined || localStorage['recentBusesFound'] === null)
var recentBusesFound = JSON.parse(localStorage['recentBusesFound']);
recentBusesFoundStr = '<table id="recentBusesFound" class="tbl_color">';
if(recentBusesFound === null)
if(recentBusesFound.length) {
// recentBusesFoundStr = '<table id="recentBusesFound">';
for(var i = 1; i < recentBusesFound.length && i < MAXRECENTBUSESFOUND; i++) {
if(recentBusesFound[i] !== null && recentBusesFound[i] !== undefined
&& typeof(recentBusesFound[i]) === 'object') {
elm = recentBusesFound[i].busesFrom + '<br>' +
recentBusesFound[i].busesTo + '<br>' +
recentBusesFound[i].busHtml + '<br>';
recentBusesFoundStr = recentBusesFoundStr + elm;
recentBusesFoundStr = recentBusesFoundStr + '</table>';
document.getElementById("recentBusesFound").innerHTML = recentBusesFoundStr;