
529 lines
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2011-08-13 12:42:40 +00:00
// Shows a bus route with the stops
// Parameters: b - busno (eg. 301 or 2 L), s - start stopno (eg. 2 or 0 for start),
// d - dest stopno (e.g. 25 or 0 for last stop)
/* global $, document, gup */
var dBugLvl = 3;
var stopBusLines = '';
var called_times = 0;
var STOPNO = 0;
var SEARCHSTR = 1;
var NXTDIST = 2;
var NXTTIME = 3;
var LAT = 4;
var LON = 5;
var geoPos;
var gStartStop = {};
var gDestStop = {};
var gStartStopNo;
var gStartSearchStr;
var gDestStopNo;
var gDestSearchStr;
var total_dist = 0;
var total_time = 0;
var firstStop = 0;
var lastStop = 0;
var arBusStops = [];
var colStart = '';
var colEnd = '<br>';
var dispSize;
var wdth;
var busNo, firstStop, lastStop;
var addJourney = true;
var trackJourney = true;
// var bDir = 'u';
var sDir = 'u';
$(document).ready(function () {
var dispSize, wdth, s, d, startStop, destStop;
dispSize = getWinDim();
wdth = dispSize.wd * 0.98;
if (dispSize.wd > 240) { // Screen too small to display columns
colStart = '<td>';
colEnd = '</td>';
busNo = gup('b'); // get URL params
s = gup('s');
d = gup('d');
sDir = gup('dir');
if (s === "" && d === "") {
busNo = getCookie('cBusNo');
s = getCookie('cStartStopNo');
d = getCookie('cDestStopNo');
if(busNo === "") {
alert('No Journey selected yet. Select one from the Find Bus tab or the Routes tab');
window.location.href = "index.html";
startStop = parseInt(s, 10);
destStop = parseInt(d, 10);
if(startStop > 0 && destStop > 0) {
if(startStop > destStop)
sDir = 'd';
sDir = 'u';
if(startStop === 0 && destStop === 0)
trackJourney = false; // User is just browsing a route
// dBug('', 'b=' + busNo + ' s = ' + s + ', d = ' + d, 5);
// showBBCookies();
startStop = startStop > 0 ? startStop : 1;
if (startStop === "" && destStop === "") {
document.write('Cannot find a valid start or destination');
return false;
gStartStop.stopno = startStop;
gStartStop.searchstr = '';
gDestStop.stopno = destStop;
gDestStop.searchstr = '';
firstStop = startStop > 0 ? startStop : 0;
lastStop = destStop > 0 ? destStop : 0;
dBug('ready: ', 'busno= ' + busNo + ', s ' + startStop + ', d=' + destStop, 5);
document.getElementById("routeTitle").innerHTML = "Bus no.: " + busNo;
// readRouteStopFile(busNo, startStop, destStop);
arBusStops = getb();
dBug('arBusStops: ', arBusStops.length, 5);
// <tr><th>Stop no.</th><th>[Area] Stop name </th><th>Next Stop<br>Dist. (Time)</th></tr>';
var ht = showRouteStops(arBusStops, 0, startStop, destStop);
gStartStopNo = startStop;
gDestStopNo = destStop;
if(addJourney) {
addRecentJourney({'busNo':busNo, 'firstStop':firstStop, 'firstStopName':gStartStop.searchstr,
'lastStop':lastStop, 'lastStopName':gDestStop.searchstr});
addJourney = false;
// document.getElementById("journey").innerHTML = "Total distance: " + distFormat(total_dist, MAXROUTEDIST) + " (" + total_time + "&nbsp;mins)";
document.getElementById("routeStops").innerHTML = ht;
function initmodule() {
var x;
a = getb();
for (x=0;x<a.length;x++)
document.write( '<br>' + a[x][0] + ", " + a[x][1] + ", " + a[x][2]);
// Show route stops in table
function showRouteStops(stops, hlstop, sS, dS) {
var sStop, dStop;
sStop = parseInt(sS);
dStop = parseInt(dS);
var dir = 1;
if(sDir === 'd')
dir = -1;
if(sStop > dStop && dStop) {
bDir = 'd';
dir = -1;
if (sStop)
sStop -=1;
dStop -=1;
if((dStop == 0 || dStop == -1) && dir != -1) {
dStop = stops.length - 1;
lastStop = dStop;
stopsHtml = "";
if(hlstop > 0)
hlStyle = 'style="background-color:cyan; color:red;"';
hlStyle = '';
var x = sStop;
total_dist = 0; total_time = 0;
if(sStop > dStop) {
firstStop = dStop + 1;
lastStop = sStop + 1;
} else {
firstStop = sStop + 1;
lastStop = dStop + 1;
while(true) { // for(var x=0; x < stops.length; x++) {
if(stops[x] != "") {
ar = stops[x];
if(x == hlstop && hlstop != 0)
stopsHtml = stopsHtml + '<tr ' + hlStyle + ' >';
stopsHtml = stopsHtml + '<tr>';
if(x+1 == gStartStop.stopno)
gStartStop.searchstr = ar[SEARCHSTR];
if(x == dStop)
gDestStop.searchstr = ar[SEARCHSTR];
mins = "";
// stopsHtml = stopsHtml + colStart + ar[STOPNO] + colEnd;
stopsHtml = stopsHtml + colStart + ar[SEARCHSTR] + colEnd;
met = typeof(ar[NXTDIST]) != "undefined" ? distFormat(parseInt(ar[NXTDIST]), MAXSTOPDIST) : "";
var missingLoc = true;
if(typeof(ar[NXTTIME]) != "undefined" && ar[NXTDIST] < 2000) {
missingLoc = false;
mins = " (" + ar[NXTTIME] + "&nbsp;mins)";
stopsHtml = stopsHtml + colStart + met + colEnd;
stopsHtml = stopsHtml + colStart + mins + " ";
stopsHtml = stopsHtml + "</td></tr>";
if(missingLoc) { // if no info, take average distance as 500 m and average time as 3 mins
total_dist += 500;
total_time += 3;
} else {
total_dist += typeof(ar[NXTDIST]) != "undefined" ? parseInt(ar[NXTDIST]) : 0;
total_time += typeof(ar[NXTTIME]) != "undefined" ? parseInt(ar[NXTTIME]) : 0;
x += dir;
if(x < 0 || x > stops.length)
if(dir < 0 && x < dStop)
if(dir > 0 && x > dStop)
if(gDestStop.stopno == 0) {
gDestStop.stopno = x-2;
gDestStop.searchstr = ar[SEARCHSTR];
var hdrHtml = '<table class="tbl_color" style="width: ' + wdth + 'px;">'
hdrHtml = hdrHtml + '<tr><th>[Area] Stop name </th><th>Dist. to Next Stop</th><th>Time to Next Stop</th></tr>';
stopsHtml = hdrHtml + stopsHtml + "</table>";
return stopsHtml;
// Read the route from server and write to file
function openBusRouteFile(busNo) {
var xmlhttp;
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();"POST","init/busstoplist.php",false);
xmlhttp.send("busno=" + busNo + "&s=0&d=0");
return xmlhttp.responseText.split("\n");
// Shows the current location and hilites the stop in the stop list
function showLocation(pos) {
dBug('showLocation: ', 'lat: ' + pos.coords.latitude + ', lon: ' + pos.coords.longitude, 5);
// send location to server to identify bus route
var curStopNo = 0;
// var bDir = 'd';
var idxnearstop = -1;
if(arBusStops.length == 0 || pos == undefined) {
document.getElementById("nearStop").innerHTML = 'N/A';;
nearStop = "";
locHtml = "";
prvdi = -1;
for(var x=0; x < arBusStops.length; x++) {
if(arBusStops[x] != "") {
ar = arBusStops[x];
if(x == 1) {
firstStop = ar[STOPNO];
firstStopName = ar[SEARCHSTR];
document.getElementById("nearStop").innerHTML = 'First Stop: ' + firstStop;
// dBug('Stop: ' + x + ' of ' + stopLines.length + ' - ' + ar[SEARCHSTR]);
// document.getElementById("myLoc").innerHTML = 'First Stop: ' + firstStop;
lastStop = lastStop > 0 ? lastStop :ar[STOPNO];
// document.getElementById("myLoc").innerHTML = 'Last Stop: ' + lastStop;
// dBug('first: ' + firstStop + ', last: ' + lastStop);
if(pos == undefined)
diTillNearStop = 0;
timeTillNearStop = 0;
// Get nearest stop
for(var x=0; x < arBusStops.length; x++) {
// document.getElementById("myLoc").innerHTML = '';
if(arBusStops[x] == "")
ar = arBusStops[x];
// document.getElementById("myLoc").innerHTML = 'Stop: ' + x + ' of '
// + arBusStops.length + ' - ' + ar[SEARCHSTR];
dLat = ar[LAT];
dLon = ar[LON];
if(dLat !== 0 && dLon !== 0) {
diNearStop = Math.abs(distanceLatLon(dLat, dLon, pos.coords.latitude, pos.coords.longitude));
if(diNearStop < prvdi || prvdi == -1) {
prvdi = diNearStop;
idxnearstop = x;
arNearStop = ar;
diTillNearStop += typeof(ar[NXTDIST]) != "undefined" ? parseInt(ar[NXTDIST]) : 0;
timeTillNearStop += typeof(ar[NXTTIME]) != "undefined" ? parseInt(ar[NXTTIME]) : 0;
diNearStop = prvdi;
var maxStop = firstStop;
var minStop = lastStop;
var locationFound = true;
var nowMs = new Date();
var fixTime = new Date(pos.timestamp);
var fixAge = nowMs - fixTime;
// dBug('fixms' + pos.timestamp + ', time:' + fixTime + ' Now:' + nowMs);
if ( typeof showLocation.called_times == 'undefined' ) {
// first time, define static vars lat and lon
called_times = 0;
dLat = 0;
dLon = 0;
// return;
if(firstStop < lastStop) {
// bDir = 'u';
minStop = firstStop;
maxStop = lastStop;
var pastDestination = false;
var beforeStart = false;
var beforeMsg = "<span id='before'>Journey hasn't started</span>";
var pastMsg = "<span id='past'>You have passed your destination, please get down when bus stops</span>";
var atMsg = "<span id='at' Reached. Please alight when bus stops<div></span>";
var myLoc = '';
var htmLocInfo = "<tr>" + colStart +
"(Location Accuracy - " + distFormat(pos.coords.accuracy, MAXROUTEDIST) + ", at " +
timeStr(fixTime) + ") " + colEnd + "</tr>";
if(prvdi != -1) {
// document.getElementById("myLoc").innerHTML = 'Found location ....';
try {
// document.getElementById("myLoc").innerHTML = 'Processing location ....';
if(sDir == 'u') {
if(arNearStop[STOPNO] < minStop || diNearStop > 2000) // proably far away 2 km from any stop
beforeStart = true;
if(arNearStop[STOPNO] > maxStop)
pastDestination = true;
} else {
if(arNearStop[STOPNO] < minStop)
pastDestination = true;
if(arNearStop[STOPNO] > maxStop)
beforeStart = true;
sDiNearStop = diNearStop != undefined ? distFormat(diNearStop, 5) : "N/A";
var elm = "Nearest stop: " + arNearStop[STOPNO] + ". " + arNearStop[SEARCHSTR] + " (" +
sDiNearStop + ") " ;
myLoc = myLoc + elm;
myLoc = '<table style="width: ' + wdth + 'px;">' + myLoc + htmLocInfo + '</table>';
myLoc = myLoc + colEnd + '</tr>';
var stops_remaining = Math.abs(lastStop - arNearStop[STOPNO]);
var bc = ''; // background color for remaining stops\
var almostthere = '';
if(stops_remaining <= 2) {
bc = "id='neardest'"
if(stops_remaining < 1 ) {
almostthere = '<span id="at">Please Alight</span>';
myLoc = atMsg + myLoc;
} else {
almostthere = '<span>(Almost There)</span>';
var d = Math.abs(total_dist - diTillNearStop);
remJourney = '';
rem_time = Math.abs(total_time - timeTillNearStop);
nearStop = myLoc;
if(pastDestination) {
myLoc = pastMsg + myLoc;
pastB4 = pastMsg;
else if(beforeStart) {
myLoc = beforeMsg + myLoc;
pastB4 = beforeMsg;
if(stops_remaining > 0) {
myLoc = myLoc + '<tr ' + bc + '>' + colStart + 'Remaining ' + almostthere +
colEnd + colStart + stops_remaining + ' Stops, '
+ distFormat(d, MAXROUTEDIST) + ", " + rem_time
+ ' min. ' + colEnd + '</tr>';
remJourney = 'Remaining ' + almostthere + stops_remaining + ' Stops, '
+ distFormat(d, MAXROUTEDIST) + ", " + rem_time
+ ' min. ';
} catch(e) {
$("location").innerHTML = myLoc;
myLoc = '<div id="loc"><table style="width: ' + wdth + 'px;">' + myLoc + '</table></div>'
// document.getElementById("myLoc").innerHTML = myLoc;
ht = showRouteStops(arBusStops, idxnearstop, gStartStopNo, gDestStopNo);
document.getElementById("routeStops").innerHTML = ht;
locAccur = "(Location Accuracy - " + distFormat(pos.coords.accuracy, MAXROUTEDIST) +
", at " + timeStr(fixTime) + ") " + colEnd + "</tr>";
nearStop = elm;
// $('#pastB4').html(pastB4);
// $('#remainingJourney').html(remJourney);
/* +
distFormat(pos.coords.accuracy, MAXROUTEDIST) + ", at " +
timeStr(fixTime) + ") " + colEnd + "</tr>";
// send location to server to identify bus route
sendBusInfo(busNo, pos, arNearStop, sDir);
// dBug('In showLocation');
// showPosDetails(pos);
} // eofn: showLocation(pos)
function setGeoPos(pos) {
geoPos = pos;
function include(arquivo){
//By Fabr<62>cio Magri e Micox
var novo = document.createElement('script');
novo.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
novo.setAttribute('src', arquivo);
//apos a linha acima o navegador inicia o carregamento do arquivo
//portanto aguarde um pouco at<61> o navegador baix<69>-lo. :)
function showStopsMap() {
loc = "" + busNo + "&s=" + firstStop
+ "&d=" + lastStop;
window.location.href = loc;
return true;
// Send the location and bus info to server
function sendBusInfo(busno, pos, arNearBus, dir)
var xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
// document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText;
url = "" + busno + "&lat="
+ pos.coords.latitude + "&lon=" + pos.coords.longitude
+ '&a=' + pos.coords.accuracy + '&s=' + arNearBus[STOPNO]
+ '&sn=' + arNearBus[SEARCHSTR] + '&d=' + dir;"GET", url, true);
// Add to the list of recent journeys
function addRecentJourney(oJourney) {
var rs = localStorage['recentJourneys'];
var recentJourneysPrv;
if(rs != null)
recentJourneysPrv = JSON.parse(rs);
recentJourneys = null;
var recentJourneys = new Array;
recentJourneys[0] = oJourney;
if(recentJourneysPrv !== null && recentJourneysPrv != undefined) {
for(var i = 0; i < recentJourneysPrv.length; i++) {
if(recentJourneysPrv[i] === undefined || recentJourneysPrv[i] === null)
// check if already in array, else add
alreadyThere = false;
for(var j = 0; j < recentJourneys.length; j++) {
if(recentJourneys[j].busNo === recentJourneysPrv[i].busNo &&
recentJourneys[j].firstStop === recentJourneysPrv[i].firstStop &&
recentJourneys[j].lastStop === recentJourneysPrv[i].lastStop) {
alreadyThere = true;
recentJourneys[recentJourneys.length] = recentJourneysPrv[i];
function showRecentJourneys() {
if(localStorage['recentJourneys'] === undefined || localStorage['recentJourneys'] === null)
var recentJourneys = JSON.parse(localStorage['recentJourneys']);
recentJourneysStr = '<table id="recentJourneys" class="tbl_color">';
if(recentJourneys === null)
if(recentJourneys.length) {
// recentJourneysStr = '<table id="recentJourneys">';
for(var i = 0; i < recentJourneys.length && i < MAXRECENTJOURNEYS; i++) {
if(recentJourneys[i] !== null && recentJourneys[i] !== undefined
&& typeof(recentJourneys[i]) === 'object') {
elm = '<tr><td><a rel="external" href="journey.html?b=' + recentJourneys[i].busNo +
'&s=' + recentJourneys[i].firstStop + '&d=' + recentJourneys[i].lastStop + '">' +
recentJourneys[i].busNo + '</td><td>' + recentJourneys[i].firstStopName + '</td><td>' +
recentJourneys[i].lastStopName + "</a></td></tr>";
recentJourneysStr = recentJourneysStr + elm;
recentJourneysStr = recentJourneysStr + '</table>';
document.getElementById("recentJourneys").innerHTML = recentJourneysStr;