person template ... data points added to templates..revision 1.0

This commit is contained in:
Johnson Chetty 2012-08-31 22:57:20 +02:00
parent 88e286d66a
commit e9211738bc

View File

@ -11,14 +11,212 @@
<div id="about" class="tab_content">
A brief bio and a history of work. should be able to add photos here
{% if image %}
<span class="orange"> Photo : </span>
<img href={{ image.get_absolute_url }} </img>
{% endif %}
{% if first_name %}
<span class="orange"> Name : </span> {{ first_name }}
{% endif %} <br/>
{% if last_name %}
{{ last_name }}
{% endif %} <br/>
{% if about %}
<span class="orange"> About : </span> {{ about }}
{% endif %} <br/>
{% if user %}
<span class="orange"> Username : </span> {{ user }}
{% endif %} <br/>
{% if tel_no %}
<span class="orange"> Tel_no : </span> {{ tel_no }}
{% endif %} <br/>
{% if dob %}
<span class="orange"> Date-of-birth : </span> {{ dob }}
{% endif %} <br/>
{% if is_practioner %}
<span class="orange"> Practioner </span> {{ is_practioner }}
{% endif %} <br/>
{% if is_enthusiast %}
<span class="orange"> Enthusiast : </span> {{ is_enthusiast }}
{% endif %} <br/>
{% if is_freelancer %}
<span class="orange"> Freelancer : </span> {{ is_freelancer }}
{% endif %} <br/>
{% if gender %}
<span class="orange"> Gender : </span> {{ gender }}
{% endif %} <br/>
{% if occupations %}
<div id="" class="">
<span class="orange">Occupations: </span>
{% for work in occupations %}
<li>{{ }} {% if work.is_main %} - Primary occupation {% endif %} </li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if locations %}
<div id="" class="">
<span class="orange">Locations: </span>
{% for place in locations %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if trainings %}
<div id="" class="">
<span class="orange">Trainings: </span>
{% for training in trainings %}
<li>{{ training }} {{ training.title }} {{ training.desc }} {{ training.person }} {{ training.area }} {{ training.with_whom }} {{ training.where }} {{ training.from_when }} {{ training.until_when }}
{% for loc in training.locations.all %} {{ }} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if languages %}
<div id="" class="">
<span class="orange">Languages: </span>
{% for elem in languages %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} <br/>
{% if awards %}
<div id="" class="">
<span class="orange">Awards: </span>
{% for elem in awards %}
{% if %} <a href="{{ }}"> {% endif %} {{ elem.title }} {% if %} </a> {% endif %}
{% if elem.year %} {{ elem.year }} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if buzzitems %}
<div id="" class="">
<span class="orange">Buzz Items: </span>
{% for elem in buzzitems %}
{% if %}
<a href={{ }}> {{ elem.title }}>
{% endif %}
{% if %}
{% endif %}
Desc: {{ elem.blurb }}
Type:{{ elem.typ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div id="people" class="tab_content">
Active Members, Associates, (Fans? - maybe this is a link with a list popout, so they are not perceived as internal to the group). Photos of users on site should show up. We must SEE the community. Noel needs to send a design for tha tab, which will be used across all "People" tabs.
{% if groups %}
<div id="" class="">
<span class="orange">Theatre Groups: </span>
{% for elem in groups %}
<a href={{ elem.get_absolute_url }}> {{ }} </a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} <br/>
{% if connections_from or connections_to %}
<div id="" class="">
<span class="orange">Connections: </span>
{% if connections_from %} <ul>
{% for elem in connections_from %}
{{ }}
<a href={{ elem.person2.get_absolute_url }}> {{ }} </a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if connections_to %} <ul>
{% for elem in connections_to %}
{{ }}
<a href={{ elem.person1.get_absolute_url }}> {{ }} </a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} <br/>
<div id="production" class="tab_content">
Title of each production links to "Productions" page.
{% if productions %}
<div id="" class="">
<span class="orange">Productions: </span>
{% for elem in productions %}
<li> <a href={{ elem.get_absolute_url }}> {{ }} </a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} <br/>
<div id="gallery" class="tab_content">