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{% block title %} ITF: Best Practices {% endblock %}

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        <h3 id="topText">BEST <span id="topTextSpan">PRACTICE </span><span id="plus">&#43</span></h3>
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				<li class="tabCategory innerSelected">Info</li>
				<li class="tabCategory innerSelected">Stories</li>
            	<li class="tabCategory innerSelected">FAQs</li>
            	<li class="tabCategory innerSelected">Guidelines</li>

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	  	Lorem Ipsum A well known theatre group had auditions for casting lead characters in their play for which over 150 actors auditioned. A television film director happened to see the recording of the auditions and obtained a copy. 
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        		<li><a href=""><span>The Mystery of vanishing rights<span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
            	<li><a href=""><span>Name of Play</span></a></li>
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            The Mystery of vanishing rights
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    	<p><span id="sectionTitle">Story 1:</span> A well known theatre group had auditions for casting lead characters in their play for which over 150 actors auditioned. A television film director happened to see the recording of the auditions and obtained a copy. Two months later, a few actors who had auditioned were horrified to see themselves in a television comedy show. Snippets of the recording had obviously been used!</p><br/> 

		<p><span id="sectionTitle">Actors:</span> Not on! If you like our acting, you hire us! Not use our improvisations for another purpose and that too by someone else! We'll sue the television show producer and the theatre group.</p><br/>   

		<p><span id="sectionTitle">Story 2:</span> Neha Bhasin, a play back singer went for an audition. Months later, she heard the piece on a radio channel and realized that it had been used without her permission. She also found that her name was mentioned as the background vocalist and the producer of the movie was credited as the lead vocalist.</p><br/> 

		<p><span id="sectionTitle">Neha Bhasin:</span> That's my voice…that's my name on the CD but I'm not the background vocalist!!! I'll sue the film producer! The music director: Hmmm not so! We didn't even want to use your voice. It was a recording mistake! The Court: A costly mistake. You've used her voice, now pay up royalty! And recall all the CDs with her voice.</p><br/>

		<p><span id="sectionTitle">Law:</span> Do actors have special rights? Under the Indian Copyright law, actors, singers, musicians, dancers, et al are called performers</p><br/>
        <p><span id="sectionTitle">Actors:</span> Not on! If you like our acting, you hire us! Not use our improvisations for another purpose and that too by someone else! We'll sue the television show producer and the theatre group.</p><br/>   

		<p><span id="sectionTitle">Story 2:</span> Neha Bhasin, a play back singer went for an audition. Months later, she heard the piece on a radio channel and realized that it had been used without her permission. She also found that her name was mentioned as the background vocalist and the producer of the movie was credited as the lead vocalist.</p><br/> 

		<p><span id="sectionTitle">Neha Bhasin:</span> That's my voice…that's my name on the CD but I'm not the background vocalist!!! I'll sue the film producer! The music director: Hmmm not so! We didn't even want to use your voice. It was a recording mistake! The Court: A costly mistake. You've used her voice, now pay up royalty! And recall all the CDs with her voice.</p><br/>

		<p><span id="sectionTitle">Law:</span> Do actors have special rights? Under the Indian Copyright law, actors, singers, musicians, dancers, et al are called performers</p><br/>
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