{% extends 'noel/base.html' %} {% load itftags %} {% block title %}India Theatre Forum: Home {% endblock %} {% block extra_head %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

A place where you can come and get, give, share, exchange all sorts of information, ideas, resources and more.


  • @dootah there's a new play this weekend. @dootah there's a new play this weekend. @dootah there's a new play this weekend. and then some more
  • @dootah there's a new play this weekend. @dootah there's a new play this weekend. @dootah there's a new play this weekend. and then some more
  • @dootah there's a new play this weekend. @dootah there's a new play this weekend. @dootah there's a new play this weekend. and then some more


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    {% for b in boxes %}
  • {% autoescape off %} {{ b.title|format_title }} {% endautoescape %}

    {{ b.boldText }} {{ b.normalText }} More

  • {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}