{% load markup %} {% load thumbnail %} {% load emailer %}
erang-logo itf-logo

Issue No: {{ issue.issue_no }}    {{ issue.date|date:"F j, Y" }}


{% if weblinks %} {% endif %} {% if bbitems %} {% endif %}

Web Links

{% for weblink in weblinks %}

• {{ weblink.box_title|truncatewords:12 }}

{% endfor %}

More »

Bulletin Board

{% for bbitem in bbitems %}

• {{ bbitem.box_title|truncatewords:12 }}

{% endfor %}

More »

{% for article in articles %}

{{ article.title }}

{% if article.author %}

by: {{ article.author }}

{% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% if weblinks %} {% endif %} {% if bbitems %} {% endif %}
{% if article.main_image %} {% thumbnail article.main_image "x380" as im %} {% endthumbnail %} {% endif %}

{{ article.subtitle|markdown }}

{{ article.text|insert_images_mailer:article.id|markdown }}

{{ article.author_bio|markdown }}


{% for weblink in weblinks %}

{{ weblink.title }}

{{ weblink.text|markdown }}
{% endfor %}


{% for bbitem in bbitems %}

{{ bbitem.title }}

{{ bbitem.text|markdown }}
{% endfor %}

A fortnightly theatre e-journal from the India Theatre Forum
Co-Editors: Vikram Iyengar, Joyoti Roy

Views expressed in the articles in e-Rang are personal.
e-Rang does not hold copyright of any piece.
Any enquiry for re-use of articles should be addressed to the authors.

Contribute your articles to e-Rang and become part of this theatre community! Email us at erang@theatreforum.in to know more about how to contribute.

The India Theatre Forum (ITF), a Prithvi Theatre initiative, was formed in 2006 as a loose association of theatre people coming together in the larger interests of theatre. For more on the ITF, please visit www.theatreforum.in. The ITF is currently supported by HIVOS.