{% extends 'festival_wireframe.html' %} {% block title %} India Theatre Forum - eRang {% endblock %} {% block leftCol %} {% endblock %}
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There are a large number of people who are deeply interested in Indian theatre, but who are starved of regular news and discussion about it. Bringing out a hard copy journal is a costly affair, and is not easy to sustain. Therefore, as part of the Forum website, it was felt that it would be useful to bring out an internet-based fortnightly journal. The coordinator of this project, Sudhanva Deshpande, has some experience of bringing out a journal of this kind, since he co-edited e-STQ. It was decided that he would put together a team that would bring out the new e-journal, tentatively christened e-Rang.

e-Rang will be sent out free to readers.

Update: e-Rang sent out it's first issue on July 15th, 2010. You can subscribe and view current and past issues at http://theatreforum.in/erang/

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