{% extends 'festival_wireframe.html' %} {% block title %} India Theatre Forum - {{data.meeting.title}} {% endblock %} {% block extra_head %} {% endblock %} {% block centerCol %}


{% ifnotequal data.sessions|length 0 %}


{% for s in data.sessions %}
{{ s.title|title }}
{{ s.intro|linebreaksbr }}
{% ifnotequal s.talks|length 0 %}
    {% for talk in s.talks %}
  • {% for d in talk.documents %} {% endfor %} {% for a in talk.audio %} {% endfor %} {% for v in talk.video %} {% endfor %}    {{ talk.title }} by {{ talk.presenter }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endifnotequal %}
{% endfor %}
{% endifnotequal %} {% ifnotequal data.documents|length 0%}

Reading Materials

{% for d in data.documents %}
{{ d.intro }}
{% endfor %}
{% endifnotequal %} {% ifnotequal data.imagegallery|length 0 %} {% endifnotequal %} {% ifnotequal data.participants|length 0 %}

Participant List

{% for p in data.participants %}
{{ p.short_bio }}
{% endfor %}
{% endifnotequal %}


{% ifequal data.comments|length 0 %} No comments yet.. Be the first! {% else %}
{% for c in data.comments %}
posted by {{ c.name }} {{ c.epoch_date }}:
{{ c.comment }}
{% endfor %}
{% endifequal %}

Add a Comment:


Please answer this question to prove you are human (sorry):

{{ captcha.question }}

{% endblock %}