var queryData; //will store initial query data as a global var for submodule js to potentially use $('.toggleBtn').live("click", function() { var $this = $(this); var toggleElem = $('#' + $this.attr("data-toggle")); if (":visible")) { toggleElem.slideUp(); } else { toggleElem.slideDown(); } }); $('#listLeft ul li a').live("click", function() { if ($(this).hasClass("listLeftSelected")) { return false; } $('.listLeftSelected').removeClass("listLeftSelected"); $(this).addClass('listLeftSelected'); var objId = $(this).attr("data-id"); var tab = $('.innerSelected').attr("data-slug"); var formData = getSearchFormJSON(); $('#textRight').text("Loading..."); $('#bottomRight').text("Loading..."); formData.object_id = objId; var urlString = JSONtoQueryString(formData); var urlString = JSONtoQueryString({ 'tab': tab, 'object_id': objId }); History.pushState(formData, "", urlString); $.getJSON("/m/get_details", { 'tab': tab, 'object_id': objId }, function(data) { $('#imageInside').css({'backgroundImage': 'url(' + data.main_image.thumb + ')'}); $('#textRight').text(data.title).formatTitle(); var urlComponent = "?tab=" + $('.innerSelected').attr("data-slug") + "&object_id=" + objId; var baseUrl = location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + location.pathname; var url = baseUrl + urlComponent; // var fb_url = url.replace("&", "&"); // $('#fb_like').attr("data-href", fb_url); var twitter_url = "" + encodeURIComponent(url) + "&title=" + encodeURIComponent(data.title); $('#twitterBtn').attr("href", twitter_url); $('#permalinkBtn').attr("href", url); var searchTerm = $('.searchListField').val(); var html = data.html; html = "
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