2011-07-03 07:05:38 +05:30

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Software - Credits:
This website / tool would not be even remotely 'possible' without the firm shoulders of various other free software projects it uses in fundamental ways - specifically, we would like to thank the authors / contributors to The Django Project (http://djangoproject.com), jQuery (http://jquery.com), and the awesome wkhtmltopdf ( http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/ ) library. The list of other free software projects used in the running and building of this website would be too long to list in entirety.
All code for the edgware road website and project has been developed at CAMP (http://camputer.org) and is available under the GNU GPL v 3 Free Software License and can be downloaded and browsed at http://code.camputer.org/edgware .
Contributors / Code Commiters:
Sanjay Bhangar: Lead Developer
Arnar Sigurdsson: Tool Front-End HTML + Javascript
Ashok Sukumaran: Overall CSS
Patrick (Abake): Visual design elements + fonts
Alden D'souza: Help with initial development
Zinnia Ambapardiwala: Back-end / Utility Functions
Karen Menezes: Last minute CSS
Jan Gerber: General crises aversion + upload code