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Audio / Video / Bins:
i> Controls on items inside Bin to do various things, including adding audio and video to page. ( + some interface to show / edit audio / video associated with page, probably in the Canvas controls).
ii> For audio / video, a way to attach them to transcripts ? How the fuck is that working ?
iii> Work-flow of creating an image box from item inside bin. - ALMOST DONE.
iv> If needed, a way to filter within bins.
Revisions: -Sanjay
i> If using Django-Reversion, figure its API to do reversions.
ii> Else, create a url where front-end sends JSON of entire Article (or page?) to back-end as a revision to be pickled and stored in DB.
iii> If using Django-Reversion,
Article / Issue / Page:
i> Cleanly implement work-flow to create a new Issue, then Articles under that and pages under articles - some interface to browse and edit issues.
ii> Create the functions to add / delete articles, issues, pages. - Sanjay
Generate front-end pages:
i> Generate web view alongwith audio / video, scrolling logic, etc.
ii> Work on audio / video widgets.
iii> Generate really big view for printing based on parameters - figure math to do on CSS, etc. to make this possible.
i> DONE - in JS, create init functions etc. for imageBoxes as per textBoxes. -Sanjay
ii> DONE - Implement a url which handles cropping image and returns a url. -Sanjay
iii> DONE - Implement a url which handles resizing image and returns a url. -Sanjay
iv> DONE - Figure logic of paths / naming conventions to get cropped, resized, high quality, web quality, etc.
i> DONE - Implement delete for boxes. -Sanjay