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"title": '/whois',
"text": 'Sanjay Bhangar. \nWorks at CAMP (\n Involved with the Project for 3 years.'
"title": "this (structure of presentation)",
"text": "Introduction to &lt;audio /> and &lt;video /> in HTML. \nBasic usage and examples of cool stuff. \nCodec Wars: Browser Wars in the 21st Century. \nRelated standards - timed text and media fragment URIs \ running a site using html &lt;video /> for 3 years \ Software development toward open media archives."
"title": "!this",
"text": "&lt;audio /> \nWebGL and other cool 3d multimedia stuff"
"title": 'What is &lt;video /> and why?',
"text": 'Increase of multimedia online.\nLike &lt;img />, the need for plain HTML to describe audio and video content. \n&lt;embed />, &lt;object /> and flash kill kittens.'
"title": 'Basic usage',
"iframe": 'basicvideo.html'
"title": "You can just use CSS...",
"iframe": 'videocss.html'
"title": "And &lt;canvas /> if you like...",
'iframe': ''
"title": "You begin to get the idea...",
'iframe': ''
"title": "Give me my Javascript",
"text": "Full Javascript API to interact with Video object. \n.currentTime to get and set current time-code \nCallbacks functions: onloadedmetadata, onplay, onpause, onended, etc. \nOf course, also behaves like a standard DOM element and responds to onclick, onmouseover, etc."
"title": "Codec wars",
"text": "<b>Ogg Theora</b>: non-patent encumbered, developed by On2 and maintained by the Xiph Foundation, works with Firefox, Chrome, Opera \n<b>H.264</b>: patent-encumbered, license managed by the MPEG-LA consortium, works with IE9 and flash, supports hardware acceleration on certain devices \n<b>WebM</b>: vp8 codec developed by On2, bought and open-sourced by Google last year, works on Chrome, Firefox 4+. Broad support promised, include hardware acceleration support, and support in Flash."
"title": "So what the hell should you do?",
"text": "Option 1: Encode all your video to two separate formats \nOption 2: Use fallbacks / plugins for browsers that don't support the codec you use \nOption 3: Ask browser vendors to support free codecs and don't support their browser until they do \nI have absolutely no clue"
"title": "Related Standards",
"text": "Timed-Text \nMedia Fragment URIs"
"title": "Timed-text tracks to video",
"text": "The need for a standard for caption / subtitle / annotation tracks \nHelping with search \nHelping with accessibility \nFormat wars once again - TTML, SRT, and finally WebVTT \nUsage: the &lt;track /> element"
"title": "WebVTT: A work in progress",
"iframe": ""
"title": "Media Fragment URIs",
"text": "Ability to send someone a link to either a temporal or spatial segment within a video \nStandardized format for URLs \nNo clear idea of spatial URIs or how browsers should render them \nStandard for temporal URIs close to finalized \n \nURL is processed by the browser and seeking is done client-side via HTTP Range requests."
"title": "The Media Fragments Working Group",
"iframe": ""
"title": "Shameless Plugging",
"text": " and"
"title": " Public Access Digital Media Archive",
"text": "is a text annotated video archive \nBegun in early 2008\n Collaboration between various non-profit groups in India and from Berlin \nVideo material is released under the PGPL (Padma General Public License) \nCode is all released under the GPL :)"
"title": "Software Features",
"text": "One of the first websites to use the HTML video tag \nTime-code accurate full text search within video. \nAbility to send URLs to a segment of video \nAbility to download segment of video \nUpload and download SRT files of text annotation \nUses BitTorrent for full downloads \nClient-side video encoding and chunk uploading \nMouse-over video flipbook, colour timelines, etc."
"title": "Video Material",
"text": "Working with documentary film-makers from across India \n Majlis - Bombay Documentation and more\n CAMP: Projects documentation / using the archive \n ALF: Film studies, etc. \n Interviews / talking heads \n Dance archives \n Random stuff"
"title": '',
"iframe": ''
"title": "Future Development:",
"text": "Building a configurable frame-work for online video archives \nSome new ideas \nJSON architecture \n Software libraries - OxJS, python-ox"
"title": " in development",
"iframe": ""
"title": "We hope someday, you'll join us..",
"iframe": ""
"title": "checkout self -",
"iframe": ""
"title": "Thanks!",
"text": "Questions?"
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