Play LED light sequences from csv. Control LED lights using PyDMXControl Install: Calc fields / Variables: - seq -> "sequence" = position (seconds) on 'timeline' starting 0 - fadein / fadeout (milliseconds) [optional/default] - duration (seconds) - brightness -> 0-255 (optional, else default) [optional/default] - "channel" --> LED/channel identifier, order as connected to DMX decoder (channel = name | opendmxcontroller calls fixtures "by_name") channels are sequential and fixed blank channels also must be added to dmx..() Map channels (play one at a time, wait for input): ``` $ python3 ``` run sequence: ``` $ python3 ``` run sequence from START cell (not from t=0): ``` $ python3 ``` debug (play single channel only and exit): ``` $ python3 ``` _____ *** EDIT ("seq", "duration", optional "brightness") and play sequence: - edit local or online calc/csv - get csv -> sequence.json ``` $ python3 ``` - restart service or run script _____ check script output in terminal: ``` $ tmux a -t light ``` --- lights.service runs in a tmux session called "light" (Run outside tmux) [ start/stop/restart service now ] ``` sudo systemctl lights.service ``` enable/disable service on boot ``` sudo systemctl lights.service ``` check status ``` systemctl status lights.service ``` --- *dev* service script: xetc_systemd_system -> lights.service edit here if required, and copy to /etc/systemd/system ------- DMX512 decoder 24channel color - Dip Switch positions = start channel no. ... (for daisy chain) (dip switch positions) ( <-- binary. ** Right to Left for dipsw positions) - board#1: 1-24 | all 'off' (0) | 0 - board#2: 25-48 | 1,4,5 - ON (1) | 11001 - board#3: 49-72 | 1,5,6 - ON | 110001 - board#4: 73-...| 1,4,7 - ON | 1001001 ____