Go to file
2009-06-26 11:43:53 -04:00
markitup moved all media into markitup/ media subdirectory 2009-06-26 11:03:13 -04:00
AUTHORS.txt docs, customizability of preview filter 2009-03-18 12:40:42 -04:00
CHANGELOG.txt moved all media into markitup/ media subdirectory 2009-06-26 11:03:13 -04:00
LICENSE.txt docs, customizability of preview filter 2009-03-18 12:40:42 -04:00
MANIFEST.in docs and setup.py updates 2009-06-26 11:25:49 -04:00
README.txt fixed ReST error in README.txt 2009-06-26 11:43:53 -04:00
setup.py released 0.2.2 2009-06-26 11:27:03 -04:00


Easy integration of the MarkItUp_ markup editor widget (by Jay Salvat) in
Django projects. Includes server-side support for MarkItUp!'s AJAX preview.

.. _MarkItUp: http://markitup.jaysalvat.com/


Download a release tarball from Launchpad_, or get the Bazaar trunk
version of the application::

    bzr checkout lp:django-markitup django-markitup

To install django-markitup:

    1. Put the ``markitup`` folder on your Python path (or use ``python
       setup.py install``, easy_install, or pip).

    2. Add ``'markitup'`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting (not actually
       necessary, but probably a good idea).

    3. Make the contents of the "markitup/media/markitup" directory
       available at ``MEDIA_URL/markitup``.  This can be done by copying the
       files, making a symlink, or through your webserver configuration.

    4. If you want to use AJAX-based preview:
        - Add ``url(r'^markitup/', include('markitup.urls')`` in your
          root URLconf.
        - Set the MARKITUP_PREVIEW_FILTER setting (see `Using AJAX preview`_ 

.. _Launchpad: http://launchpad.net/django-markitup

Using the MarkItUp! widget

The MarkItUp! widget lives at ``markitup.widgets.MarkItUpWidget``, and
can be used like any other Django custom widget.

To assign it to a form field::

    from markitup.widgets import MarkItUpWidget
    content = forms.TextField(widget=MarkItUpWidget())

When this form is displayed on your site, you must include the form
media somewhere on the page using ``{{ form.media }}``, or the
MarkItUpWidget will have no effect.

To use MarkItUpWidget in the Django admin::

    from markitup.widgets import MarkItUpWidget
    class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    def formfield_for_dbfield(self, db_field, **kwargs):
        if db_field.name == 'content':
            kwargs['widget'] = MarkItUpWidget(attrs={'class': 'vLargeTextField'})
        return super(MyModelAdmin, self).formfield_for_dbfield(db_field, **kwargs)

You can also use the formfield_overrides attribute of the ModelAdmin, which
is simpler but only allows setting the widget per field type (so it isn't
possible to use the MarkItUpWidget on one TextField in a model and not

Choosing a MarkItUp! button set and skin

MarkItUp! allows the toolbar button-set to be customized in a
Javascript settings file.  By default, django-markitup uses the
"default" set (meant for HTML editing).  Django-markitup also includes
basic "markdown" and "textile" sets (these are the sets available from
`the MarkItUp site <http://markitup.jaysalvat.com>`_, modified only to
add previewParserPath).

To use an alternate set, assign the ``MARKITUP_SET`` setting a URL
path (absolute or relative to MEDIA_URL) to the set directory.  For
instance, to use the "markdown" set included with django-markitup::

    MARKITUP_SET = 'markitup/sets/markdown'

MarkItUp! skins can be specified in a similar manner.  Both "simple"
and "markitup" skins are included, by default "simple" is used.  To
use the "markitup" skin instead::

    MARKITUP_SKIN = 'markitup/skins/markitup'

Neither of these settings has to refer to a location inside
django-markitup's media.  You can define your own sets and skins and
store them anywhere, as long as you set the MARKITUP_SET and
MARKITUP_SKIN settings to the appropriate URLs.

Set and skin may also be chosen on a per-widget basis by passing the
``markitup_set`` and ``markitup_skin`` keyword arguments to

Using AJAX preview

If you've included ``markitup.urls`` in your root URLconf (as
demonstrated above under `Installation`_), all you need to enable
server-side AJAX preview is the ``MARKITUP_PREVIEW_FILTER`` setting.

``MARKITUP_PREVIEW_FILTER`` must be a two-tuple.  

The first element must be a string, the Python dotted path to a markup
filter function.  This function should accept markup as its first
argument and return HTML.  It may accept other keyword arguments as
well.  You may parse your markup for preview using any method you
choose, as long as you can wrap it in a function that meets these

The second element must be a dictionary of keyword arguments to pass
to the filter function.  The dictionary may be empty.

For example, if you have python-markdown installed, you could use it
like this::

    MARKITUP_PREVIEW_FILTER = ('markdown.markdown', {'safe_mode': True})

Alternatively, you could use the "textile" filter provided by Django
like this::

    MARKITUP_PREVIEW_FILTER = ('django.contrib.markup.templatetags.markup.textile', {})

(The textile filter function doesn't accept keyword arguments, so the
kwargs dictionary must be empty in this case.)

**Note:** If you use your own custom MarkItUp! set, be sure to set the
  ``previewParserPath`` option to ``'/markitup/preview/'``.

Other settings

MarkItUp! requires the jQuery Javascript library.  By default,
django-markitup links to the most recent minor version of jQuery 1.3
available at ajax.googleapis.com (via the URL
If you wish to use a different version of jQuery, or host it yourself,
set the JQUERY_URL setting.  For example::

    JQUERY_URL = 'jquery.min.js'

This will use the jQuery available at MEDIA_URL/jquery.min.js.