
This commit is contained in:
Schuyler Erle 2012-03-11 07:27:09 -07:00
parent 45d13dfee3
commit 9ad76811cb

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
from mumbai.models import *
# FIXME: UniqueRoute stringification, routes 314 and 9
def fix_distances():
for unique_route in UniqueRoute.objects.all():
# RouteDetail sometimes isn't order from from_stop to to_stop
from_stop, to_stop =,
details = list(unique_route.route.routedetail_set.all())
# Sometimes to_stop comes before from_stop in RouteDetail. What is there to say.
for detail in details:
if == from_stop: break
if == to_stop:
distance = 0.0
record = False
for detail in details:
# For route 240RING, some is null???
if record and distance += float(
# distance > 0 because of 100RING returning 1 stop shy of its start
if record and distance > 0 and == to_stop:
record = False
# Start recording *after* we check for the break, because,
# if from_stop == to_stop, we don't want to break on the first stop
if == from_stop: record = True
if record:
print Exception("UniqueRoute %s from %s to %s ran off the end while measuring distance!" %(unique_route, unique_route.from_stop.code, unique_route.to_stop.code))
if not distance:
print Exception("UniqueRoute %s from %s to %s still has no distance!" % (unique_route, unique_route.from_stop.code, unique_route.to_stop.code))
if distance:
unique_route.distance = distance
columns = ["runtime%d" % n for n in range(1,5)]
def fix_missing_runtimes():
for schedule in RouteSchedule.objects.all():
# other schedules for the same unique route (but at different times)
sibling_schedules = schedule.unique_route.routeschedule_set.all()
# the "full" schedules for this route are used to attempt to
# guesstimate the schedules of partial subroutes
full_routes = full_schedules = []
related_subroutes = list(schedule.unique_route.route.uniqueroute_set.all())
max_dist = max(subroute.distance for subroute in related_subroutes)
full_routes = [subroute for subroute in related_subroutes if subroute.distance == max_dist]
# first, try to get the schedules for the full routes, given the same schedule type
for full_route in full_routes:
full_schedules += list(full_route.routeschedule_set.filter(schedule_type=schedule.schedule_type))
# failing that, try to get the schedules for the full routes, with ANY schedule type
if not full_schedules:
for full_route in full_routes:
full_schedules += list(full_route.routeschedule_set.all())
# the main inner loop: for each runtime column ---
for col_idx, column in enumerate(columns):
# if the runtime is set, AWESOME, bail
if getattr(schedule, column): continue
# otherwise, go through the other schedules for this subroute and
# see if we get a matching runtime -- if so, use it
for sibling in sibling_schedules:
sibling_runtime = getattr(sibling, column)
if sibling_runtime:
setattr(schedule, column, sibling_runtime)
# print "OK fix_missing_runtimes: %s %s fixed to %s" % (schedule, column, sibling)
if getattr(schedule, column): continue
# otherwise, go through the matching schedules for the full-length versions of this
# route and extrapolate the runtime.
if full_schedules:
for full_schedule in full_schedules:
full_runtime = getattr(full_schedule, column)
if full_runtime:
partial_runtime = full_runtime*float(schedule.unique_route.distance)/float(full_schedule.unique_route.distance)
# print "OK fix_missing_runtimes: %s %s adjusted to parent %s" % (schedule, column, full_schedule)
setattr(schedule, column, partial_runtime)
# OTHER-otherwise, use the previous column....
if getattr(schedule, column): continue
if col_idx > 0:
prev_runtime = getattr(schedule, columns[col_idx-1])
if prev_runtime:
setattr(schedule, column, prev_runtime)
# ... or the next column, if it comes to that.
if col_idx < len(columns)-1:
next_runtime = getattr(schedule, columns[col_idx+1])
if next_runtime:
setattr(schedule, column, next_runtime)
if column != "runtime4":
print Exception("ERR fix_missing_runtimes: %s STILL missing %s!" % (schedule, column))