added comments to import_atlas, but it is still wrong :(

This commit is contained in:
Sanj 2012-01-11 04:32:38 +05:30
parent eae4d52bec
commit 895ab5de04
4 changed files with 22305 additions and 10129 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -2,29 +2,15 @@ from settings import PROJECT_ROOT
from os.path import join
import json
import csv
import pdb
import pdb #debugger
from mumbai.models import *
from fuzzywuzzy import process as fuzzprocess
import datetime
#Get levenshtein distance between two strings, from
def levenshtein(s1, s2):
if len(s1) < len(s2):
return levenshtein(s2, s1)
if not s1:
return len(s2)
previous_row = xrange(len(s2) + 1)
for i, c1 in enumerate(s1):
current_row = [i + 1]
for j, c2 in enumerate(s2):
insertions = previous_row[j + 1] + 1 # j+1 instead of j since previous_row and current_row are one character longer
deletions = current_row[j] + 1 # than s2
substitutions = previous_row[j] + (c1 != c2)
current_row.append(min(insertions, deletions, substitutions))
previous_row = current_row
return previous_row[-1]
Convert Atlas.csv file (obtained from BEST) into first stage Atlas.json
(step 1)
def csvToJSON():
atlasCSV = csv.reader(open(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "../db_csv_files/Atlas.csv"), "r"), delimiter="\t")
atlasDict = {}
@ -44,6 +30,7 @@ def csvToJSON():
function to copy over values of AM N PM + Schedule from previous row, reading from Atlas.json, writing to atlasCopied.json
(fill in blank rows where 'copy from previous' is assumed, and create new json file - step 2)
def processJSON():
routeErrors = {'routes': [], 'others': []}
@ -85,14 +72,18 @@ def processJSON():
function to group atlasCopied.json to uniqueRoutes (uniqueRoutes.json)
(step 3)
def groupUnique():
routes = json.loads(open(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "../db_csv_files/atlasCopied.json")).read())
errors = {}
outDict = {}
for key in routes.keys():
outDict[key] = []
for row in routes[key]:
i = 0
print key
d = {
'from': row[7],
@ -105,47 +96,31 @@ def groupUnique():
matchedRow = isNotUnique(d, outDict[key])
schedule = row[-5]
if matchedRow:
schedule = row[-5]
outDict[key][matchedRow]['rows'][schedule] = row
outDict[key][i-1]['rows'][schedule] = row
if isLargestSpan(d, routes[key]):
d['is_full'] = True
outDict[key][i]['rows'][schedule] = row
i += 1
outFile = open(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "../db_csv_files/uniqueRoutes.json"), "w")
outFile.write(json.dumps(outDict, indent=2))
Import RouteMaster
Go through uniqueRoutes.json and actually import atlas data into the db
(step 4)
def importRouteMaster():
CsvFile = csv.reader(open(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "../db_csv_files/RouteMaster.csv"), "r"), delimiter=',')
test =
stop_errors = []
print test
for row in CsvFile:
if len(row) < 1:
from_to = getFromToStopsForRoute(row[0])
if from_to is None:
print row[0]
obj = Route(code=row[0], alias=row[1], from_stop_txt=row[2], to_stop_txt=row[3], from_stop=from_to[0], to_stop=from_to[1], distance=row[4], stages=int(row[5]))
errors = open(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "../errors/routeStopErrors.json"), "w")
errors.write(json.dumps(stop_errors, indent=2))
def importUniqueRoutes():
data = json.load(open(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "../db_csv_files/uniqueRoutes.json")))
routeMapping = json.load(open(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "../db_csv_files/routeMapping.json")))
routeDoesNotExistErrors = []
stopMapping = {}
stopErrors = []
routeDoesNotExistErrors = [] #route codes for which there are entries in routeMapping.json and in Atlas, but which do not exist in RouteMaster
stopMapping = {} #FIXME
stopErrors = [] #This should ideally never happen, and any errors here are bad and would indicate problems with the fuzzy matching logic, most likely.
for route in data.keys():
routeCode = routeMapping[route]
@ -159,8 +134,8 @@ def importUniqueRoutes():
distance = float(thisRoute['span'])
distance = 0
obj = UniqueRoute(route=routeObj, is_full=thisRoute['is_full'], distance=distance, from_stop_txt=thisRoute['from'], to_stop_txt=thisRoute['to'])
if obj.is_full:
obj = UniqueRoute(route=routeObj, is_full=thisRoute['is_full'], distance=distance, from_stop_txt=thisRoute['from'], to_stop_txt=thisRoute['to'])
if obj.is_full: #If the route is the primary route, we can get stop codes easily from RouteDetails first / last stop
from_to = getFromToStopsForRoute(routeObj.code)
obj.from_stop = from_to[0]
if not stopMapping.has_key(obj.from_stop_txt):
@ -168,7 +143,7 @@ def importUniqueRoutes():
obj.to_stop = from_to[1]
if not stopMapping.has_key(obj.to_stop_txt):
stopMapping[obj.to_stop_txt] = from_to[1].stopcd
else: #Else we do fuzzy string matching against all possible values for stopname got from RouteDetails
stopnames = []
stopcodes = []
for r in RouteDetails.objects.filter(rno=routeObj.code):
@ -183,10 +158,11 @@ def importUniqueRoutes():
stopErrors.append([thisRoute['from'], thisRoute['to']])
# print thisRoute['rows'].keys()
for schedule in thisRoute['rows'].keys():
for schedule in thisRoute['rows'].keys(): #loop through each schedule per UniqueRoute and save it
row = thisRoute['rows'][schedule]
depot = Depot.objects.get(depot_code=row[6])
@ -195,6 +171,8 @@ def importUniqueRoutes():
routeScheduleObj = RouteSchedule(unique_route=obj, schedule_type=schedule, busesAM=noneInt(row[2]), busesN=noneInt(row[3]), busesPM=noneInt(row[4]), bus_type=row[5], depot_txt=row[6], depot=depot, first_from=formatTime(row[8]), last_from=formatTime(row[9]), first_to=formatTime(row[11]), last_to=formatTime(row[12]), runtime1=noneInt(row[14]), runtime2=noneInt(row[15]), runtime3=noneInt(row[16]), runtime4=noneInt(row[17]), headway1=noneInt(row[18]), headway2=noneInt(row[19]), headway3=noneInt(row[20]), headway4=noneInt(row[21]), headway5=noneInt(row[22]))
#done saving things - write out error files:
errors = open(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "../errors/routeMasterMissingRoutes.json"), "w")
errors.write(json.dumps(routeDoesNotExistErrors, indent=2))
@ -227,12 +205,20 @@ def formatTime(s):
return datetime.time(0,0)
Silly function to deal wth invalid strings in the data that need to go in as Integers into the db
passed a string, it will either return int(string) or None if that fails for any reason
FIXME: find a more elegant way to do this
def noneInt(val):
return int(val)
return None
Passed a route code, it gets stop codes for the first and last stop
def getFromToStopsForRoute(routeCode):
# fromStr = row[2]
routeDetails = RouteDetails.objects.filter(rno=routeCode).order_by('stopsr')
@ -243,7 +229,12 @@ def getFromToStopsForRoute(routeCode):
return (fromStop, toStop,)
checks whether the row in a set of rows for a route has the largest 'span' value, useful to tell if a row belongs to a primary route
data - dict with a span attribute
arr - array of rows to check if data['span'] is greater than. span is at row[13]
def isLargestSpan(data, arr):
span = data['span']
for a in arr:
@ -265,12 +256,15 @@ def isLargestSpan(data, arr):
def isNotUnique(data, arr):
i = 0
for a in arr:
if a['from'] == data['from'] and a['to'] == data['to'] and a['span'] == data['span']:
if a['from'] == data['from'] and a['to'] == data['to']:
return i
i += 1
return False
Create routeMapping.json file to map route aliases to route codes
TODO: add mappings from hard coded routes
def getRouteCodes():
atlasRawCSV = csv.reader(open(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "../db_csv_files/AtlasRaw.csv"), "r"), delimiter="\t")
atlasDict = json.loads(open(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "../db_csv_files/Atlas.json")).read())
@ -290,6 +284,28 @@ def getRouteCodes():
Import RouteMaster into db
def importRouteMaster():
CsvFile = csv.reader(open(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "../db_csv_files/RouteMaster.csv"), "r"), delimiter=',')
test =
stop_errors = []
print test
for row in CsvFile:
if len(row) < 1:
from_to = getFromToStopsForRoute(row[0])
if from_to is None:
print row[0]
obj = Route(code=row[0], alias=row[1], from_stop_txt=row[2], to_stop_txt=row[3], from_stop=from_to[0], to_stop=from_to[1], distance=row[4], stages=int(row[5]))
errors = open(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "../errors/routeStopErrors.json"), "w")
errors.write(json.dumps(stop_errors, indent=2))
def csvClean1():
atlasCSV = csv.reader(open(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "../db_csv_files/Atlas.csv"), "r"), delimiter="\t")

View File

@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ from django.contrib import admin
from django import forms
from mumbai.models import *
class RouteScheduleInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = RouteSchedule
class AreaAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ("a_code", "areanm")
list_editable = ("areanm",)
@ -26,6 +29,9 @@ class FareAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
models.TextField: {'widget': forms.TextInput},
class UniqueRouteAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [RouteScheduleInline]
class StopForm(forms.ModelForm):
@ -129,3 +135,5 @@, LandmarkAdmin ),DepotAdmin),HolidayAdmin),StopLocationAdmin), UniqueRouteAdmin)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff