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2018-12-04 08:50:29 +00:00
(function ($) {
// register namespace
$.extend(true, window, {
"Slick": {
"Plugins": {
"HeaderMenu": HeaderMenu
* A plugin to add drop-down menus to column headers.
* Add the plugin .js & .css files and register it with the grid.
* To specify a menu in a column header, extend the column definition like so:
* var columns = [
* {
* id: 'myColumn',
* name: 'My column',
* // This is the relevant part
* header: {
* menu: {
* items: [
* {
* // menu item options
* },
* {
* // menu item options
* }
* ]
* }
* }
* }
* ];
* Available menu options:
* tooltip: Menu button tooltip.
* Available menu item options:
* title: Menu item text.
* disabled: Whether the item is disabled.
* tooltip: Item tooltip.
* command: A command identifier to be passed to the onCommand event handlers.
* iconCssClass: A CSS class to be added to the menu item icon.
* iconImage: A url to the icon image.
* The plugin exposes the following events:
* onBeforeMenuShow: Fired before the menu is shown. You can customize the menu or dismiss it by returning false.
* Event args:
* grid: Reference to the grid.
* column: Column definition.
* menu: Menu options. Note that you can change the menu items here.
* onCommand: Fired on menu item click for buttons with 'command' specified.
* Event args:
* grid: Reference to the grid.
* column: Column definition.
* command: Button command identified.
* button: Button options. Note that you can change the button options in your
* event handler, and the column header will be automatically updated to
* reflect them. This is useful if you want to implement something like a
* toggle button.
* @param options {Object} Options:
* buttonCssClass: an extra CSS class to add to the menu button
* buttonImage: a url to the menu button image (default '../images/down.gif')
* @class Slick.Plugins.HeaderButtons
* @constructor
function HeaderMenu(options) {
var _grid;
var _self = this;
var _handler = new Slick.EventHandler();
var _defaults = {
buttonCssClass: null,
buttonImage: null
var $menu;
var $activeHeaderColumn;
function init(grid) {
options = $.extend(true, {}, _defaults, options);
_grid = grid;
.subscribe(_grid.onHeaderCellRendered, handleHeaderCellRendered)
.subscribe(_grid.onBeforeHeaderCellDestroy, handleBeforeHeaderCellDestroy);
// Force the grid to re-render the header now that the events are hooked up.
// Hide the menu on outside click.
$(document.body).bind("mousedown", handleBodyMouseDown);
function destroy() {
$(document.body).unbind("mousedown", handleBodyMouseDown);
function handleBodyMouseDown(e) {
if ($menu && $menu[0] != && !$.contains($menu[0], {
function hideMenu() {
if ($menu) {
$menu = null;
function handleHeaderCellRendered(e, args) {
var column = args.column;
var menu = column.header &&;
if (menu) {
var $el = $("<div></div>")
.data("column", column)
.data("menu", menu);
if (options.buttonCssClass) {
if (options.buttonImage) {
$el.css("background-image", "url(" + options.buttonImage + ")");
if (menu.tooltip) {
$el.attr("title", menu.tooltip);
.bind("click", showMenu)
function handleBeforeHeaderCellDestroy(e, args) {
var column = args.column;
if (column.header && {
function showMenu(e) {
var $menuButton = $(this);
var menu = $"menu");
var columnDef = $"column");
// Let the user modify the menu or cancel altogether,
// or provide alternative menu implementation.
if (_self.onBeforeMenuShow.notify({
"grid": _grid,
"column": columnDef,
"menu": menu
}, e, _self) == false) {
if (!$menu) {
$menu = $("<div class='slick-header-menu'></div>")
// Construct the menu items.
for (var i = 0; i < menu.items.length; i++) {
var item = menu.items[i];
var $li = $("<div class='slick-header-menuitem'></div>")
.data("command", item.command || '')
.data("column", columnDef)
.data("item", item)
.bind("click", handleMenuItemClick)
if (item.disabled) {
if (item.tooltip) {
$li.attr("title", item.tooltip);
var $icon = $("<div class='slick-header-menuicon'></div>")
if (item.iconCssClass) {
if (item.iconImage) {
$icon.css("background-image", "url(" + item.iconImage + ")");
$("<span class='slick-header-menucontent'></span>")
// Position the menu.
.offset({ top: $(this).offset().top + $(this).height(), left: $(this).offset().left });
// Mark the header as active to keep the highlighting.
$activeHeaderColumn = $menuButton.closest(".slick-header-column");
// Stop propagation so that it doesn't register as a header click event.
function handleMenuItemClick(e) {
var command = $(this).data("command");
var columnDef = $(this).data("column");
var item = $(this).data("item");
if (item.disabled) {
if (command != null && command != '') {
"grid": _grid,
"column": columnDef,
"command": command,
"item": item
}, e, _self);
// Stop propagation so that it doesn't register as a header click event.
$.extend(this, {
"init": init,
"destroy": destroy,
"onBeforeMenuShow": new Slick.Event(),
"onCommand": new Slick.Event()