from fromto import getStop, getStops, getOptions from rapidsms.contrib.handlers.handlers.keyword import KeywordHandler # from new_best.models import * import datetime try: import json except: import simplejson as json from settings import JSON_PATH from os.path import join class StopHandler(KeywordHandler): keyword = "stop" def help(self): self.respond("Send stop to get buses that stop at a particular stop.") def handle(self, text): place = text.strip().lower() stopList = json.loads(open(join(JSON_PATH, "stoplist.json")).read().replace("\\", "/")) places = getStops(stopList, place) if len(places) == 0: self.respond("place not found.") elif len(places) == 1: data = json.loads(open(join(JSON_PATH, "stopbus.json")).read().replace("\\", "/").replace(",,,", ",").replace(",,", ",")) stop = getStop(data, places[0][1]) stopStr = ",".join([val.split("|")[0] for val in stop[-1].split(",")]) self.respond(stopStr) else: self.respond("try one of: %s" % getOptions(places))