#!/bin/bash # # Author: Macgregor # Liscense: GPLv3 # # routes = route_id,agency_id,route_short_name,route_long_name,route_desc,route_type,route_url,route_color,route_text_color # route_id,route_short_name,route_long_name,route_type --for MUMBAI routes # route_id,service_id,trip_id --for MUMBAI trips if [ ${#} -eq 4 ] ; then FILE_IN_ROUTES="${1}" FILE_OUT_ROUTES="${2}" FILE_IN_TRIPS="${3}" FILE_OUT_TRIPS="${4}" cat "${FILE_IN_ROUTES}" | grep -v "route_id" | gawk -v sq="${SQLITE_DB_IMPORT_SEP}" -F ',' '{ route_id = $1; agency_id = $2; route_short_name = $3; route_long_name = $4; route_type = $5; if(route_type==0) { route_type="Tram"; } else if(route_type==1) { route_type="Subway"; } else if(route_type==2) { route_type="Rail"; } else if(route_type==3) { route_type="Bus"; } else if(route_type==4) { route_type="Ferry"; } else if(route_type==5) { route_type="Cable car"; } else if(route_type==6) { route_type="Gondola"; } else if(route_type==7) { route_type="Funicular"; } else { route_type=""; } if(route_type=="") { route_type="Bus"; } print route_id sq agency_id sq route_short_name sq route_long_name sq route_type; }' >"${FILE_OUT_ROUTES}" # FPAT regex used to parse CSV data where a comma is in the field; further strip quotes from result as that is not part of the field data. cat "${FILE_IN_TRIPS}" | grep -v "route_id" | gawk -v sq="${SQLITE_DB_IMPORT_SEP}" 'BEGIN { FPAT = "([^,]*)|(\"[^\"]+\")" } { route_id = $1; service_id = $2; trip_id = $3; trip_sign = $4; print trip_id sq route_id sq service_id sq trip_sign; }' | grep -v "^$" | tr -d '"' >"${FILE_OUT_TRIPS}" fi